New Warrior "I WIN" card just fell from the sky. beware

So by turn six I believe they were able to play a 10 cost card that has wind fury and does 36 damage.
There is no way to beat this.
And yes I did use hearthstone deck tracker but there is no obvious way to copy any link to show it.

I am looking at hearthstone deck tracker on my PC right now and there is no link to put here. But this card is real and it happend on turn six I believe.
How do I defeat this card?

Oh wait I found it.

Never mind the forums don’t allow links from hearthstone deck tracker. you will have to take my word for it.

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This smells like a gameplay balance complaint, not an actual bug report.

Sure they do.

You just need to make some minor edit to the link, so it doesn’t look like a link.

For example putting a space in the middle of “https”.

ht tps://