New Warrior Hero Card: Rokara, the Valorous

great weapon for the ship to find…
Overall a great card for any warrior archetype, it fits in as a finisher on curve to a degree or just as value for control warrior.

They were epics you bought from the rep vendors. You’re thinking of stuff like “Broken I.W.I.N button.”

The Juggernaut cannot find hero weapons.

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are we sure about that? the weapon should exists as a entity on it´s own in the game regardless of the hero i´d think so i´d assume it can be found unless they code it specifically to not do so.

I am supremely confident. It’s hard to see wearing that helmet.

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Random generation has never been able to generate uncollectable cards unless specified (like Tuskarr Totemic). Therefore from past experience Juggernaut can not produce The Unstoppable Force the same way it can’t produce Swordeaters sword.

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Thinking about it more, there is potential if Warrior gets good ways to buff enemy minions.

Could be a Combo like Ashtongue Warrior, but the Warrior takes some large damage, instead of trying to dodge damage.

Rough Examples:

Rage Potion
0 Mana
Deal 1 damage to a minion to give it +2 attack.
Doubly Effective on enemies.

Blessing of Rage
1 mana
Give a minion: Whenever I take damage gain + 2 attack.
It can’t attack heroes this turn.

Or, and hear me out, not every hero card has to be 5/5. Those classes that lots of other options don’t need a broken one.

Its really not. The weapon is too risky in a lot of scenarios to use as anything other than a glorified Arcanite Reaper, and the hero power is basically Shadow Priest’s. Pinging 2 health minions at that stage of the game is not what you want to do.

Maybe it goes in a super tankey control Warrior, but that’d be only because they struggle to put 30 good cards together

4/5 if Priest and control comes back. This is just the 2021 version of uninvoked galakrond which was used to beat Priest and control decks in non galakrond decks.

the price is right for the card. Sheild enhancement is always a bonus.
Maybe Warrior is being pampered thus getting better cards than other classes…

This weapon never will appears with Juggernaut effect for the same reason the weapon reward from Wild quest never will.

The Juggernault only equip weapons you can put directly in your deck.

This cards needs stronger battlecry, like “Battlecry: Brawl” or something like that to be more usable.

The Priest herocard completely outclasses this for just 1 mana more.

For me this cards is good when you need a “desperate but mediocre attempt to finish the match before it’s too late” strategy.

This hero-power can’t even destroy the minions the Shaman and Warlock hero card’s minions. So it’s not that good for control, the armor gain is unreliable.

This is just a “Go face and pray it works post-turn 7” herocard… I see nothing else for now.

Interesting weapon for sure. I read it quickly first and thougt it was a supercollider reprint (minion hit attacks a neighboring minion). But this is something else.

they are out of heropower ideas?
This feels like a reinterpretation of zuljin heropower (powerI creep already 3 times in one expansion :joy:)

(ok, this was a copy-paste from the mage hero, but I mean… it fits here as well).

The weapon seems scary, but at least it only has 2 durability (warrior can’t increase it, right?)

I think it goes in all warrior decks, but the ones that plans to finish the game by turn 7

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So what do you guys think this was before they nerfed it? Maybe the weapon had 1 more durability or this cost less?

I think it had “your hero is immune”, like someone said above.
(found it:


The other weapon has “can’t lose durability”, so I think they were symmetric weapons: it makes sense to have an unmovable object to not lose durability and an unstoppable force to have immune (otherwise you could kill yourself while trading, not much unstoppable if you ask me :joy:)


There are literally dozens of decks which beat out those, all of which are control oriented. The only real foreseeable issue is if quest mage and other ‘non-interactive decks’ are sticking around for another expansion.

I mean, given that it’s one of the main selling points of the entire expansion and how we haven’t enjoyed a new hero card since Dr. Boom rotated 2 years ago.

So Imma say that, yeah, it does.

Most of these other hero cards are amazing and do crazy things. Priests get Yogg for Deathrattles on top of an objectively strong hero power, Paladin gets a board clear, an indestructible 2 attack weapon that reduces her damage taken, and a hero power that’s gives minions in you hand blessing of kings, Warlock gets a board clear, card draw, a minion generator, and additional card draw.

Meanwhile, Warriors get saddled again with an overpriced, understated, weapon generator that only lasts 2 swings with a dangerous prerequisite that requires you to hit big minions to get any substantial benefit from it and a weak hero power that will likely be hard to reap its benefit off of and even so the benefit is hardly worth trying to trigger.

I feel like everyone’s gonna be waiting for Warrior to show all it’s fancy weapons again, only to get smashed in the face by a Smite, But it seems like for a 7 mana card, not a lot of weapon based hero cards have worked before.

Taking a look at it, as a 7 mana, gain 5 armor, get a 5/2 weapon, and a mostly 2 damage hero power isn’t exactly stellar but not absurdly expensive either.

Some of the old middle ground DK cards like Malfurion the pestilent saw some middle play just as a cheap 1/5 1/5 or 1/2 1/2 taunt producer or 3 damage card. You didn’t build decks around the malfurion, but it had good value.

This card doesn’t seem terrible, but it won’t slot into existing pirate warrior decks. You’ll only get 1-2 turns out of the weapon before the juggernaut equips it, and although you want weapons, even just 1x 4 swing hatchet + 2x 2 swings 3/2 Sword eater axes is enough to cover 8-10 (With quest/Waiting to draw), turns of swings and then juggernaut covers the rest.

But that’s fine, sometimes new heros spawn new decks, Rokara doesn’t seem unplayable, just doesn’t seem too terribly powerful at a glance and that might be because pirate warrior is already in a pretty strong spot rn.

Like Scourgelord Garrosh being bleh since of past warrior decks being pretty top tier. But there’s just a saturation of weapons you want and not enough swings to use them. This weapon doesn’t really seem too reliable either, maybe if someone plays the 9/7 drake you could make it hit their own face, or a handbuff, but you’d take just as much damage as well too.

Overall, neat weapon, i think people will want to see the ‘crazy weapon’ for a while, but then just the novelty will wear off. Or maybe i’ll be wrong, and maybe it might spawn a new deck as a filler card. But i don’t think you’d build a deck entirely around this. Even odd warrior’s 4 armor starting hero power seems better for defense than this even for the odd cost.

I feel like the hero power should have been deal 2 damage to a target and gain 2 armor with Honorable Kill: Gain an additional 3 armor.

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