New Warrior Hero Card: Rokara, the Valorous

Legendary · Hero · Fractured in Alterac Valley · Battlecry: Equip a 5/2 Unstoppable Force.

A interesting take on a trample effect with the weapon.

And the hero power is like Zul’jin with an upside.

Edit: In case anyone was wondering, the minion hit by the Unstoppable Force still hits the enemy hero even if it dies from the weapon attack:


That’s and pretty awesome card.

Perfect Warrior flavor.

That’s scary.

Warrior go face even when not going face.

Warrior hit face for 2 with fist to face.

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Interesting, they went the unmovable object vs unstoppable force references in wow (they were rare junk drops that could drop with great flavor)

Looks like a pretty neat weapon, it hits face, but it’s also a briefly weapon based thing. However you don’t need to theoretically kill the minion to get value. Technically you could smack A giant into your opponents own face for 8 damage maybe? And if it works on death even you could do some silly things. Probably anti synergy with quest, but pretty neat

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Yet another example of the viper being an auto include in just about all decks now.

This is not something warrior needed. The Juggernaut just got even worse.

Pretty damn cool. I guess even Quest decks you get to put the 7/7 into their face. Except at higher levels where they’ll kill their own 7/7 because minions are that worthless.

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Man most of the heroes seem great thus far. Pumped for the expansion now.

Looks weaker than the other Hero Cards.

I don’t think it goes in any Warrior decks. :hushed:

1/5 Star Power


Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Are you kidding me? This goes in every single Warrior deck. This is nuts.


I don’t know if I’d go that far. Does aggro Quest Warrior even care? As for Control Warrior, this makes your hero power worse against Quest Mage, but better against aggro, and the weapon is good against large minions but pretty meh against wide boards.

Basically, I’m wondering in which matchups that this would actually improve your chances of winning.

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Warrior looks like the fun class this expansion. There are so many fun things you could do with that weapon alone. Smash Varden into Varden, who should have hero skins soon. Smash King Crush at a hunter. Smash a big demon to kill a demon hunter.

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Is it, though? Punching big minions is one of the saddest things for Warrior. Yeah this also does the damage to them, but you probably need that hp to not die next turn to the effect from that 7/7 you just tanked (and didn’t even kill).

Paladin probably has the juiciest targets for this… but those big minions damaging you is how they win, and the class can probably survive a hit if they have to. Their own Hero Card makes this pathetic; I guess the Immovable Object wins this time around.


What I feel is missing from Unstoppable Force is ‘Your hero is Immune while attacking’.

Though if you’re punching 7/7s, at least that enables the Hero Power. Tour Guide, perhaps?


That weapon text made me laugh out loud.

Man, this hero card is garbage.

It costs 7 mana, on the seemingly higher end of hero cards, with no immediate effect when played unlike most of the other hero cards being introduced in the upcoming expansion.

It gives you a weapon with ONLY 2 durability that actively encourages you to facetank big minions for maximum leverage of its effect while providing no real means to accomplish this safely and gives you a weak hero power that’s incredibly hard to benefit from, and even if you manage to pull it off, 4 armor is such a negligible amount of armor gain it’s really not even worth trying to trigger the HK effect, and you’d just be better off shooting the enemy hero for 2 instead.

I mean this just feels like Scourgelord Garrosh from KotFT all over again where most of the hero cards’ value is placed into a finite weapon it generates while providing it with a weak, low-impact hero power. And like Garrosh, it looks good on paper, but it’s so beyond impractical in actual gameplay.

I can already tell this card is gunna need some major buffs on release. I like the design alot, but the execution of this is going to be so impractical, ESPECIALLY in a control meta they’re setting up this expansion.


As much as you might think it will be a control meta it’s not. There is still ZERO cards that will unseat OTK DH, Garrote Rogue, Face hunter and Quest Warlock. Those decks are the top decks and they aren’t likely to be unseated unless some amazing neutral disruption card shows up soon in the spoilers.

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Not true, Cariel means they have to bother including a tradeable card. Big progress in disrupting OTKs!


I am worried.

Not that the card is crazy strong, more of an “oh, warrior is insane now and he is getting more face damage to kill you straigth”.

They really need to nerf the class before expansion hits.

Oh man you got me. They have to play a card now that allows them to draw more…wait a minute.

Hmmm, both heroes at 8hp. Attack a Warlocks giant = tied game?

I hope so, but probably not. I want another “suicide bomber” class, and the memery of this would be better than priest the 1 in 50 or so games you could actually pull it off.

Really hoping no death checks are done until the effect fully resolves, not just the minion.