New UU/UF DK Package: Plagues

When your opponent draws the plauges, they get shuffled back in their decks

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Yeah you can push itā€™s deathrattle into other minions and otk. But Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s the go to option for this deck. Iā€™d rather push a stall option that can utilize pressure with unholy swarms instead of a big combo finish.

I just realised that the even if you Steamcleaner Helyaā€™s Plagues the opponent can still put Plagues in your deck after and they stay unending. Can a Control deck actually counter this in any way or is it just over if it is played on 4?

plagues are unending = ?

They become hakkarā€™s blood.

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Helya is mega broken if Control Discover Knight can fit the 1 Unholy Rune in.

The rest of the cards are Unholy-Unholy or Unholy-Frost, so are probably unplayable.

Helya is 10/5 Star Power.

Helya will probably be nerfed to more Runes.


4 mana
(Aura:) Plagues they draw this game are unending.
Battlecry: Shuffle all three Plagues into your opponentā€™s deck.

All the other cards are like 2-4 star power. Decent cards, weak deck because too many Unholy or Frost runes.

Edit: ah ok, so Control decks will all run Steamclear in ETC which means 2 Blood 1 Unholy Control DK probably isnā€™t worth it I guess.

I donā€™t think itā€™s as broken as people think if you just Helya by itself.

Itā€™s 3 cards.
2 damage each.

Assuming you canā€™t heal, armor it would take quite a bit of draw to reach the damage to kill yourself. Bombs were 5 damage each and usually took a solid 6-8 in your deck before they became problematic in affecting draw.

Helya definitely needs more than just the 3 plagues she sends in to be effective enough to be of any significance.

I think you need a good 8 plagues in before it becomes a serious issue enough to where you have to consider drawing cards or not.

Consider you have 20 cards in your deck + 6 plagues.

26 cards meaning 1 out of 4 cards you draw will do 2 damage. Thatā€™s nothing. Itā€™s a non-issue really.

They start becoming a problem when more than half are plagues. By the time most people have drawn enough plagues to hurt them significantly damage-wise, they would have drawn through most of their deck and most decks will kill you before drawing through their entire deck.

So what you really need is tons of plagues, not just 3, and you need them to hit back to back several times (like 2 frost plagues making your cards cost (2) more would really suck and slow you down.

You canā€™t run a control package with Helya. You will need a pressure deck with unholy minions. You are rarely going to win via Plague cardsā€¦unless DK gets more support in this area.


why would they nerf it into unplayable ???

Too slow to be a problem card.

It will most be used against demon hunters and other draw heavy decks if the meta gets too combo centric.

Fatigue Control really not give a damm about using this because they gonna win in the fatigue war anyway and you can be sure this gonna be better in rainbow decks than it appears.

Rainbow DK not has extremely good tempo plays but now it can sabotage yours.

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This looks damn good, very excited to try some control non-blood DK. Also nice that BDK barely got any support.

She is very good but dunno about running her without any plague cards.


We have ample evidence from the past to indicate that packages like these are basically only game-winning if your opponent has no win condition of their own. See: Blood DK and Control Priest.

The chip damage (that they might not even draw) is incidental and if it werenā€™t for Helya this wouldnā€™t be playable. Helya doesnā€™t break the game, she makes Plagues worth playing.

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I like unholy runes having a win condition besides Grave Strength or the rare Blightboar OTK.
The problem is that we have seen these shuffle/give opponent cards before (mine/garrote/curse) and they either end up being unfun to play against or useless.

Just throwing Helya into your deck if you have Unholy in the deck is worth it.

Looking at the available DK cards thereā€™s plenty of great card to round out the deck depending on if you play 11 or 13 of these cards. The extra two choice would be to play Frozen Over or not. It can draw the plagues for them which may or not be worth it.

If you can setup Death Growl and Dead Air you have probably setup a situation where they are saturated with plagues now. Even just hitting one Yodeler would be pretty crazy. The real trick will be setting it up so you can survive having no access to BDK cards.

My personal Rainbow list has Death Strike, Gnome Muncher, and Hollow Hound, which often feels like enough healing. UUF would have to replace Death Strike and Gnome Muncher with Blood Plague highrolling and enough board presence to take damage away from the face.

Hollow Hound can do a lot of work, though.

Helya is just a good card. Makes adding a single UH rune to your Frost/Blood DK builds much more attractive because sheā€™s really a win con in of herself. Even without the other plague synergies.

This package seems very flexible. A lot of these cards are just pretty good even without all the payoff stuff.

Distressed Kvaldir is another early game deathrattle that helps a lot of the deathrattle stuff from FoL, though I think a lot of itā€™s still way too clunky. Itā€™s just nice to see it being more consistent. Cage Head I think isnā€™t really going to work there, though IMO. Just too expensive.

The weapon is just good too I think.

Iā€™m super excited about this archetype, more than Iā€™ve been for an archetype in a while. Hereā€™s a rough cut for my initial deck building:

Basically a sticky aggro deck which tries to take the board and then spread deathrattles (egg, kvaldir, thassarian, baron) in order to gain a tempo advantage. Iā€™ve been toying with it for a while and I think the plague stuff adds a lot.

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Getting bomb warrior vibes with this one. Will not be fun to face this deck. :joy:

This looks very interesting to me. Get all your pieces in place like a combo deck, but in this case, youā€™re playing the cards, Plague-ing your opponentā€™s deck, rather than collecting cards into your hand like a traditional combo deck. And then instead of playing your wombo-combo, you wait and try to stay alive while the Plagues do their work. With Helyaā€™s recycling effect, every card the opponent draws raises the density of the Plagues. This looks so delicious. Vulnerable to Steamcleaner to be sure, but thatā€™s similar to combo decks being vulnerable to hand disruption.