New UU/UF DK Package: Plagues

All of the yes. Boneshredder, Death Growl, Mosh Pit, and Dead Air all have great synergy with Distressed Kvaldir. Lots to love here.

I don’t think Rainbow wants any of the things it can fit, because they don’t relate to Corpse manipulation.


Those payoff cards are 10/10.

A cheap 8/5 rush reborn will clear a threat and leave a giant body, or clear 2 threats, and a lightning storm on a stick are insane control tools.

Helya is so good, I might even consider running her in a non plague deck.

The weapon is insane plague generation, I could definitly see this package working well

This archetype is insanely punishing to decks that fully empty their deck.

Cant wait to see Spell DH tears


Right, this is like an offensive Soul Fragments archetype. Those cards were competitive in both DH and Warlock for pretty much their entire stay in Standard.

Would not be surprised at all for Steamcleaner to start showing up more often because of this.

EDIT: I didn’t even realize at first that Guardian had Reborn. Good grief, that’s a ludicrously good card.


No, you can´t…


Would steamcleaner delete these from deck?

I know this is the first of the class card reveals but it seems like they put a lot more thought into DK cards then they do to other class cards.

Yes, because they don’t started in your deck. If this deck becomes too popular then everyone will run Steamcleaner in their ETC.


EDIT: LMAO I was wrong. Edited.


The minion isnt undead though

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Sad thing is, that this archtype easily ruins Reno decks in Wild. We will see how much play this sees in wild.

Even if Steamcleaner is an option, it is probably not worth (or you put him in ETC as mentioned above).

Hey, listen, DK card with Reborn, can you blame me? There are just so many Undead around these days…and it’s not like I’ve ever seen Dead Air on Standard Ladder!

Foul Egg…Arms Dealer…Vizier…it’s all Undead until it’s time to look like a doofus.


DK has a dead expansion.
2 of the cards are double unholy, and the others are unholy or ‘rainbow’. Rainbow doesn’t have the survival tools to be shuffling stuff into your opponents deck and waiting, and unholy doesn’t want sit and wait cards.
This is pushing a 2 unholy 1 frost archetype, which doesn’t have blood’s package to stay alive or discover tools to stay alive.
And for the next 2 years, how much support do you see 2 unholy, 1 frost getting? That’s the problem with this rune system, when somethings bad, then DK loses an expansion, and when they push something with goofy runes (rainbow) the cards don’t see play. Look at Sindragosa. That’s a discover card cause no one wants to rune 1 blood and 1 frost.
If this does see play, it’ll just get wrecked by pure paladin who’s doing mass face damage. All ETCs will just have steamcleaner in them, ensuring that this deck drops a tier or 2 in playability.
Also as a reminder: marrowgar and frostwyrm’s fury are triple rune cards, which gets rid of those win conditions in this archetype.

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Just to note, this is EXACTLY what Cage Head wants to do. Chipping away at the opponent until you can finish them off with Blight Boar is precisely what that deck wants and needs.

This sucks.

Nothing like losing simply because you try to draw your cards or just take your turn. This is another strategy where the best defense is KiLl ThEm fAsTeR

My only question is what does Helya mean by “unending” do the plagues reshuffle back into the deck after casting?


Yea, I only know because I´ve goofed with Dead Air when I tried to use it on my Nerubian Eggs lol… wanted to do Nerubian omellete with the smell of dead air lol

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Doesn’t seem any worse than Mograine to me. Many decks will end the game before the chip damage actually matters, like Hakkar of old or Abyssal Curses more recently. I think this will primarily serve to create an early game for Cage Head, which has been a hodge-podge of minor Deathrattle synergies until now.

Hakkar’s blood.


Which, iirc, were nerfed.

They were AWFUL as the only defense was to hope you could fill your hand before they did and you would rather burn a card than have a space to get cursed. Totally exciting and fun, interactive game play… not.

Bomb Warrior was similar to this and wasn’t oppressive. Sometimes your opponent just never draws the Bombs/Plagues/Hakkar Bloods.

Sometimes you never draw your Soul Fragments to heal yourself. Plagues certainly won’t be a death sentence.

It was also nerfed, wasn’t it?