New UU/UF DK Package: Plagues

Uh, I don’t think so. I think they were always 5 damage. I can go check but that was a few years ago.

I could be wrong, but I thought they nerfed the weapon that put them in and maybe something else.

Weapon was never nerfed. Dr Boom, the hero card was because of a dominant control warrior. And that deck did not run the bomb package

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I don’t see any patch notes for Wrenchcalibur, other than the time it was added to the game. The Bombs themselves got “Cast When Drawn” a couple months after, but I think that’s actually a buff.

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EDIT: I’ve changed my opinion about this archetype. Gonna remove this old post because of it.

Besides the obvious rider effects of the Plagues, and Down with the Ship + Tomb Traitor + Chained Guardian + Helya’s permanence…

UUF can also run Hollow Hound, Plague Strike, Tomb Guardians, The Scourge, Rimescale Siren, Battlefield Necromancer, Remorseless Winter, and Army of the Dead. In addition to Primus, Vizier and School Teacher. The archetype is hardly without survival tools.


Maybe there is something to it then. We’ll have to see. This is the kind of deck that I like most so it’s right up my alley. if there’s anything to it I’m definitely gonna build a list and try some stuff with it.

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I think people forget that this will be a control deck, which is totally awful. Bomb warrior wanted to play thirty minute games, stuff your deck full of bombs, and then just lol as you die. It’s absolutely horrid game to play. Nothing about it is engaging in any way.

Decks that literally punish you for taking your turn and drawing your own cards are not a good design direction.

This is the problem, though. The number of people it will make just stop playing is most likely greater than the number of legend players that will spend money because of it. As such, from a very selfish business perspective, making decks that piss off low level players is the opposite of growing your game.

I actually think you’re wrong, though. I think this will piss everyone off at all levels with the stall and discover tools that you can put with it.

I’m looking at the options this deck can go and there are actually some really cool and deadly synergies. This could very well be a deathrattle focused deck. Foul Egg and Nerubian Egg, Death growl, Yelling Yoedeler, Boneshredder, and Cage head all fit into the theme of what FUU DK wants to do. The frost package supports the unholy with draw, and the unholy is the primary win condition. There could actually be a tier 1 deck here somewhere if people figure out the right balance. I take back what I said earlier. There’s actually a chance you could build a real threat density with the right combos.

Defrost, chillfallen baron (also a deathrattle), and acolyte of death are all good fits for this deck. Since Distressed Kvaldir is a deathrattle its just the type of card you want to hit with death growl. And then you have dead air, which can kill and resummon all your deathrattles at once. I think this package could actually be nasty.

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We see Plagues here, but I’ll reiterate that this most likely supports Cage Head. Cage Head is a finisher that hasn’t had any early game or midgame. Getting the opponent’s health low enough is a real struggle. Dead Air, Yelling Yodeler and Boneshredder have been cool but homeless.

This is the early and midgame to bridge the gulf from turn 1 to the Blight Boar lethal.

Helya: Unending part seems absolutely ludicrous. If this gets dropped on you on turn 4 you are in a world of pain. Card would be strong even without the unending part.

Staff of the Primus: 3 damage in 3 turns, and 6 damage in the long run. Also add the random effects of the plagues. For 1 mana …

Distressed Kvaldir: Great statline, great effect. Definetely played in Unholy. 5/5
But why is this Epic rarity? Nothing special of this effect.

Down with the Ship: Rune Restriction makes this unplayable. Still Plague Strike is better.

Tomb Traitor: Again the Rune Restriction makes this card weaker, otherwise it is rather strong. 2.5-3/5

Chained Guarding: I don’t know. Feels like the classic 8/8 Giant of DK to me. Which isn’t playable. Maybe i’m wrong but …

Magatha will make this archetype very good. Unholy now won’t need to rely only on Grave Strength to win.

Helya is unreasonably strong. If this gets dropped on 4 and you follow it up with let’s say only 2 Plagues. Your opponent every turn has the chance of drawing these 5 Plagues which just reshuffle for never ending face damage. You never mulligan her away.

if this is the standard for the power level of this expansion, it geuinely feels like it will be a pure meta. The Power level between these class cards and the Neutrals feel years apart. Neutrals look like they came out of 2016 and DK cards from 2030.


I love the old Hakaar decks. I might love this as well.

The problem is you need to play Helya (HELL YEAH!) first so that your other plague generations don’t get drawn and removed.

Double unholy frost could be really fun. You also can play some of the new copy card stuff to get more ways to shuffle plagues in.

I love the old slow Hakaar grind.

But Steamcleaner is an obvious issue here. Gonna need a way to bypass that or disrupt it.

What I love most about this is that it punishes all these massively heavy draw decks like DH that literally just burn through their decks. It also disrupts Frost DK so now they tutor draw spells that aren’t frost.

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Bypass Steamcleaner with Blight Boar finisher. #winning


Cage Head. The UU legendary from FoL that matches with Boneshredder, Dead Air and Death Growl but has had no actual deck around it.

Here’s a starting point.

Death Growl x2
Foul Egg x2
Staff of the Primus x2
Battlefield necromancer x2
Distressed Kvaldir x2
Down with the Ship x2
Plague Strike x2
Acolyte of Death x2
Chillfallen baron x2
Nerubian Vizier x2
School Teacher x2
Tomb Traitor x2
Yelling Yoedeler x2
Boneshredder x2
Cage Head


I’m pretty sure you don’t want the primus, nor do you want pozzik. Just get some plagues in the opponents deck, get some deathrattles om board, draw some cards and go to town. The biggy piggy piggy piggy is the final closer. The plagues just get you there. You have a pretty damn amazing cage head doncthya schyla. Yours is the special version.

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They missed a real opportunity here to create a new deck type within DK and make the Rainbow deck a realistically playable choice. I cannot see why anyone would play this style of deck when straight Plague is just better overall.

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I’d run blightfang.

Did you see the 4 mana 7/7 taunt? :heart_eyes:

The 4 mana 7/7 taunt looks like total bait. You can’t attack with it so your opponent can just choose to not ram their minions into it until they can kill it efficiently. This is no silence priest card. Its just bad imo. It’ll either get hit with single target removal or your opponent will wait and buff stuff to tarde it 1 on 1. Paladin’s divine shields will make short work of it. It’s bad. Not being able to choose what it trades with is a huge liability.

I wanna see that cage head of yours in action… you have the special version right? I saw it once. Looked really cool.

plagues are unending = ?