New solo adventure = yawn fest

Seriously, do they playtest these things with 8-year-olds and dumb them down until the kid can beat it on the first try? Just when you think things might get interesting, they don’t.

Oh, crap! He equips Gorehowl with his hero power? I’m going to get hit in the face hard! Oh, wait… Nevermind. It costs him 5 and I can create a water elemental for 4.


Ooh, the guy just wiped my board and did it again every time he took damage! This is about to get interesting… Oh, wait… he didn’t gain any health and some random shaman dude showed up to summon even more minions for me.


I could have sat back and just cleared the board on the last guy over and over again, watching as he rapidly fatigued himself with Aluneth. That was way too boring so I used one of my two pyroblasts to finish him off.


I agree. Not much of a challenge.

However, as someone with no WOW background, I found the backstory interesting…FWIW


As someone who played Warcraft 3 and Wow, I could definitely appreciate the throwback, I’m just wondering how many times Blizzard wants me to play through a different version of a story I’ve already heard.


I’m one of those people who doesn’t give a crap about the story. I want a game to play, not to read. That made the experience even worse. :frowning:

The only thing nice I can say about it is the artwork. It looks great. It’s more like a playable story than a game. I think people who are fans of the single player adventures would prefer something that challenges you and has replayability (that’s what I would have wanted, anyway). The ‘Retire’ button seems a bit unnecessary on this one.

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I can’t wait till we get to Guldan, now that’s one I’m interested in playing through.

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It needed a hard difficulty setting. Angry Jaina is kinda hot though, as well as the version of her that faced Kael’thas. Why wasn’t that artwork the new hero portrait for sale?

For those who didn’t watch the Youtube video with Slysssa and some other woman, they hinted that Rexxar would be the next hero. I wonder if the pandaren brewmaster will show up in that adventure.


Remember when bliz made good difficult solo content, minions interacted in combat, and new heroes had new voice lines?

When was that? 2017?



They do.

Like Kel’Thuzad?


I almost never praise this game, but I really liked the solo adventure. It was mildly challenging without being frustrating, and it refreshed my memories of WoW. I loved revisiting the Theramore Mana bomb story.


It was pretty easy, only lost to Kaelthas and only once but the story was nice and the art was good so I’m happy.


I liked the story and I hope they put out more WoW storyline content like this.

As for the gameplay… it was far too easy. But at least they didn’t charge us for it.

I rate the experience 6.5/10

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Can hardly call that an adventure, it’s like a dungeon run lol.

It lacked replayability and challenge


Story-wise I think they really nailed it, & I’m really looking forward to experiencing the other heroes’ stories.

Game-play it probably was a bit too easy, and I would have liked to see more agency in deck construction.

Overall as a free experience with a pack reward attached, I liked it.


I agree with…well everyone above… the challenge was minimal. But, don’t forget they are playing to a large audience. This includes younger players who may not have as strong a grasp on strategy as the more experienced players out there. I agree though, it certainly suffers from not having an heroic version. I also don’t understand the silly pack reward. I opened my mage pack and I literally already had every card I found.

My guess is they are playing with the idea of offering these class specific packs for people who don’t want to try to collect every class but know they want to play 1 specific class? It was fairly underwhelming.


Dungeon runs have much more variability and vastly more replayability. I’d have been super happy with a new one.


Honestly… The lore was so over simplified it doesn’t have any flavor anymore… And it was pretty hard to simplify something already as basic as Warcraft lore

My main gripe was how uninteresting the decks were as most the were poorly optimized bog standard mage archtypes and not to mention the hero powers that would get a +1 expecting that to be interesting. Although it emphazises the fact that were experiencing a characters ‘‘growth’’ i guess. Personally i find going through the basic mage spells in form of heropowers that scale up each fight to a more powerful spell with each fight would have been cooler.


OH RIGHT! Chen goes with Rexxar. I didnt remember. I cant wait for him to be a Hero. Obviously they will wait a year or two, but a little taste of it in Rexxars story would be awesome.