New Shamon I WIN card. Method to defeat this?

The card name is EUREKA, summon a copy a random minion from your deck on turn SIX.
They summon Neptulon.
Next turn they play EUREKA again and summon Neptulon again.

On turn 7 there are two Neptulon covering the board.

 How do I defeat this?  If there is no way to defeat it then it is officially an I WIN card.

Neptulon was not meant to be played on turn six. Amirite bois?


Very high APM, of “I WIN” threads, per minute.


Madam no one knows what “APM” means.
Just use words instead.

Actions Per Minute. It helps on the rogue decks. They don’t have many “I WIN” cards but they have “I WIN” decks.

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This is a shamon thread not a roge thread

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Big shaman might be my favorite wild deck right now. You arent supposed to defeat it. I’m supposed to win


So my name is no one? Alrifght.

Tell me, do you have some brain damage which prevents you to spell names of the classes correctly? Or is this genius level IQ thing? So confused, can you help out us with low IQs here? Pretty please?

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I agree this card is bogus, with Neptulon as you say yes but also with something like Walken Mountain with quadruplefury and lifesteal and rush and 16 health that can be redone to full with 0 cost Ancestral Healing, it’s udderly ridiculous. Also a good target is the 10 mana 8/8 Nathria demon with Rush who dies and gives another 8/8 Nathria gargoyle or with Felcracker Colossus 10 mana 7/7 taunt and dies gives another 7/7 taunt of course I didn’t even mention Therazane Stone Momma is also ridiculous with this card, so yes it’s crazy

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Walking Mountain is great in big shaman

Therazane is too slow, and the others you mention probably aren’t that good either. The list I run uses Fairy Tale Forest and Auction House Gavel to cheat out Muckmorpher as soon as possible.

The 4 big minions in the deck are Glugg the Gulper, Thunderbringer, Walking Mountain and Neptulon. My favorite is Muckmorpher turning into Thunderbringer cause Thunderbringer will summon 2 other big guys from the deck. It can even summon the original Thunderbringer

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Therazane isn’t too slow therazane would gobble up your puny Walken Mountain with her own, doubled, quadrupled, whatever, and yes Thunderbanger is also why this Eureka card is busted too

Do you actually play a deck with Therazane in it? If so, that’s pretty cool. I’ve never seen the card actually work outside of meme streamer videos

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Therazane was basically made for Big Cheat Shaman so yeah I do it’s great

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What’s a Cheat Shaman?

The deck we’re discussing in this thread is big shaman/cheat shaman in wild. Goal is to cheat out big minions early with cards like Muckmorpher and Eureka!

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It allows you to cheat the game and win not through any skill but because you use cards like SilentStorm is talking about

It’s very dumb but very fun