New shaman nagas (elemental schools synergy)

arcane draw 2 cards

fire: deal 6 damage to enemy hero
nature: gain +2/+2 and taunt
holy: restore 6 health to your hero
shadow : destroy 2 random enemy minions
fel : deal 2 damage to all enemy minions


Also frost: freeze 3 random enemy minions

Another important info according to dev post on reddit, no matter the order of spells you cast:
Fel always happens before shadow
Shadow always happens before frost

Or put it another way you won’t have anti synergy where you freeze/damage something then destroy it

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These cards seem awful and more fitting for 2022 hearthstone or whatever year that coral keeper card was released.

Shaman already has a collection of tier 6 archetypes… not sure why they needed another. At least DK players wont need to spend a whole lot of extra dust this expansion on shaman cards but unless DH has exceptionally powerful cards it will take at least a year for shaman to recover from this unusable mess.

It’s elemental inspiration on a minion. That card is still playable now and this one has a much higher chance to roll bigger stats and effects. Shaman needed more cards to finish out games and the Dazzler seems like a good option. Not to mention you don’t even need to load it up with Shudderblock existing.

I really like cabaret star. Lots of options and value.


The Legendary Naga could be good depending on how easy it is to manipulate which effects you get. Like Fire Arcane if you are a burn deck is good. Shadow or Frost with Arcane, Nature or Holy if you are doing control. Even if you get 2 random things it would usually be worth your 5 mana.

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Look at the things that Druid, Rogue, or Paladin are doing right now.
Then look at the cards Shaman that were revealed.

The class feels like an afterthought.

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LOL they just bait-and-switched on us xD

They’re replacing Sif Rainbow mage with Rainbow Shaman hahahhaha

Razzle-Dazzler is Elemental inspiration (it even costs the same)

Carress, Cabaret Star is a variation on Lady Naz’jar

Frosty Decor is a variation on the Cold Case

Siren song is a variation on School of Magic

It’s amazing how obvious that is, they didn’t really put much work into this


Whats worse yet is they didnt put much work in it but they also made them useless:
A) the spell school spells are completely random, not discover
B) outside of that one card with a measly (1) reduction you’ll pay full cost for them
C) Sif was a game winning payoff, razzle-dazzler will be cleared by threads of anything for about 3 mana.

I understand its supposed to synergize with that naga that reduces spell schools by 2 mana but its just way too many turns spent doing nothing for a minor payoff.

I really suspect that these cards were meant to be released after voyage which introduced that coral keeper card but for whatever reason they held onto them until now.

On the other hand turn 2 siren song, turn 3 meltemental, turn 4 discovered purifying power will probably go down as the most powerful hearthstone curve in the history of the game.

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With flash of lighting, this could be a fun combination of control/burn shaman, something I’m definitely willing to try

These cards look fun.

But Carabet’s effects seem not balanced with each other. The Fire and Shadow effects seem way overpowered from the rest. Otherwise, nice bunch.

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“Hello my honey, hello my darlin!” -Razzle-Dazzler probly

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The plus here is that Shaman needs to jump through a few hoops to make sure it hits shadow as the first 2 so it’s not real consistent. I think that’s fair.

The frost and nature ones are very fair.


I actually find the Frost one to be quite okay. Nature’s one though is really weak. Could definitely do with at least +3/+3. Also, the Holy one doesn’t seem of much interest to Shaman. I am sure they have better ways to heal a mere 6.

The discrepancy is quite glaring.

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Well, keep in mind shudderblock as well. That taunt bonus is nice along with a good board clear or self heal.

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That is true.
Though, I am sure you still find the other schools to be better suited for Shudderblock than just the +6/+6 and Taunt.

The Nature effect seems very weak no matter how I turn it. But it’s probably there as a necessary evil since it’s the majority school in Shaman. They could’ve just made it a bit more balanced compared to the rest. It feels out of place comparing it to removing 2 minions from the board, or drawing 2 cards. Leaving it to the opponent and having immediate impact differentiates meh cards from good cards.

It’s more balanced like this - you give the weaker effect to Nature because Nature spells are very accessible for Shaman

The harder it is to come by a certain spell school, the better the effect

they probably made nature the weakest one because its shaman most common school( 18)

If that was their design philosophy given how weak the card is already due to how many steps are needed to give it a few minor effects no wonder shaman is in the place its in now.

Its essentially a 5 mana card that recaptures 2 mana of whatever spell you cast in order to give a generic effect. But given that it takes 2 or 3 turns of investment it should have a bigger payoff. These ‘fair’ cards just dont cut it in 2024 hearthstone which is why I think this card is from 2022.

Lady Naz’jar saw play in 2024. This is a better version of her. It should see play.