That’s kind of a downside, but the other half of that coin is that this allows you to bank a Secret to play along with something like the 1/2 Freezing Trap On a Stick.
On the flip side, the fact that it was a random secret from the same class made it easier to test for the secret since you had fewer to play around.
While the range of secrets is larger with this card, the fact that you get to discover will help smooth out the randomness a bit.
2 mana, meaning it can come from lackey. If only rogue is a class that can generate lackeys… oh wait
See, I didn’t even think about that. The forums are starting to turn helpful.
Another nice thing is that the discovered Secret will trigger this guy again.
As a lategame play, you could have a full Christmas tree, and threaten to do it again the next turn if they don’t kill him. Which would be considerably harder with up to five secrets up.
It is also an excellent way to power the Bazaar quest and Vendetta.
So it’s got early tempo, lategame value. Solid powerhouse of a card.
Yes! Secrets are my favorite and I’m so bored of Hunter.
Hum yea i didn’t even think about it as a late game play. Really solid in this situation to chain secret (and protect the guy with those).
Late game in Wild. Valeera, the Hollow followed next turn by double Shadowjewelers and let the the secrets roll.
Secret decks, the hearthstone was of saying FU
This will look great golden!
A lot is riding on the quality of the three Rogue secrets, the support cards are really good but if the actual secrets suck it may all be in vain.
I hope it does work out though, thematically secrets in the Rogue class seems spot on (never really understood why Paladins got secrets and not Rogues) and it would be a shame if Rogue had a “Freeze Shaman” expansion.
I hadn’t quite internalized that this doesn’t play the secret you discover. So you will still need to spend mana on it, unlike Putricide.
But that also means burgle synergies are online: Quest, Underbelly Fence, Vendetta and such.
I wonder how secrets from different classes will interact. Which ones will trigger first? If you have Repentance and Snipe, will it set the minion’s health to 1 and then deal 4 damage, or will Snipe trigger first? If one of your minions is attacked, and you have Snake Trap and Noble Sacrifice but only two board spaces, what’ll happen?
Secrets trigger in order played, so if you play Repentance and then snipe, it will trigger the way you stated, if snipe then repentance it will hit for 4 and, if it is still alive, Rep will change the health to 1.
Excellent way to make the secrets harder to guess. Circumvents the only 3 secrets issue. I love it.
looks cool, hope secret rogue is op in standard
This is actually good for a change
Easily my most favorite revealed card so far!
So many reasons to like this. First one being the art work. Love the three gems colored after the other classes with Secrets (Paladin, Hunter and Mage). I would craft this golden (if the card will be any good and played a lot)!
It’s a very beefy minion for 2 mana. It will be very hard to kill on turn 2/3. The first way I thought of was Deadly Shot. So, you’re almost guaranteed to Discover at least one Secret.
I love the flavor of the card and how you can play the Rogue quest with this. I especially like how it gives you something specific, in this case Secrets, from another class that will support your other Secret synergy cards like Secretkeeper, Sunreaver Spy, and Rogue’s new Blackjack Stunner. Shame that Subject 9 will rotate out, though.
But how good this card will really be depends on two things. First, how good Rogue Secrets are. There is no point to run 6 bad cards only to support one good card. And Rogue quest is not that great in itself either. Ambush is not exciting to me so far.
And secondly; how good the other classes’ Secrets will be on average. And some of them are rotating out, but nothing too amazing, I don’t think. We’ll lose Rat Trap (Hunter), Splitting Image (Mage), Hidden Wisdom and Autodefense Matrix (Paladin).
Looking at the current Standard list alone, I would say that about half are good, Paladin having most of the ‘bad’ Secrets. But at least they cost only 1-Mana and Rogue likes cheap cards, so there is that upside.
They’re definitely diving in and doing some serious experimenting.
Secret rogue might become godly if they keep releasing cards this op with the theme
Don’t play him early on. Wait till 8 to 10. Drop him, Dirty Tricks, then snowball away…