New Rogue Legendary Card - Heistbaron Togwaggle

6 mana 5/5

Battlecry: If you control a Lackey, choose a fantastic treasure!

treasures are the same as marin the fox


Couldn’t you make a single thread ?

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now this is a card,the name alone is great.

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Any word on what the treasures are?

Edit: They’re Marin’s treasures!? This could actually be a thing.

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Sweet combos with Spirit of the Shark


They’re the same treasures you can get from Marin the Fox’s chest.


They are the same treasures that you get from the treasure chest. Just saw it on the livestream.

Dane is going to include this card in every single Rogue deck he plays from here on out! Well, maybe even Illusionist even w anti-synergy.

It is choose-a-treasure…choose-a-Wand basically…instead of relying on RNG to get the wand for deck-ideas!

This card was/is made for DaneHS, did Dane dev this card from the inside and kept it quiet?

It should be interesting to see.

Poor Marin. Oh poor Marin


This seems fairly good assuming Rogue can at least have a turn or two to breathe. This might be the best Legendary (and best card) revealed so far (catching up on reveals right now, lol)

This is ridiculously strong… the requirement is too easy.

I think this is a great game-ender for Tempo Lackey Rogue.

safe day 1 golden craft

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The treasures:
Tolin’s Goblet
3 mana - Draw a card. Fill your hand with copies of it.

Wondrous Wand
3 mana - Draw 3 cards. Reduce their Costs to (0).

Zarog’s Crown
3 mana - Discover a Legendary minion. Summon two copies of it.

Golden Kobold
3 mana - 6/6 Taunt, Battlecry: Replace your hand with Legendary minions.


Since you’re unlikely to have a lackey stick for a turn, Togwaggle is effectively 7 mana for a 6/6 (5/5 + 1/1) of stats with good value. Can you afford to just play the value game as rogue? We’ll see.

This is the big question. Rogue has received a ton of amazing, sometimes questionably broken late game cards, but due to their low survivability, have rarely been able to make use of it. Deathrattle Rogue with N’zoth and Shadowstep, the ‘Checkmate’ Rogue with Brann, Shadowcaster, Healbot and Blade of Cthun, Burgle Rogue (now Espionage Rogue), the very short lived Jade Rogue, and the one people are more familiar with: Mill. Rogue has only had a couple control decks you could consider viable (pre-nerf Kingsbane and Quest Rogue), but for all their potential to play and replay powerful effects, their mediocre survivability is what prevented them from playing a true value control game.

This new Toggwaggle is definitely an amazing card on its own. Not only that, but there are cards like Shadowstep and Spirit of the Shark that could empower it even further. But can Rogue even survive to do all those amazing things? Or are they stuck playing an aggro deck, hoping to win by turn 6, before cards like Togg are relevant?


I cringe so hard at the idea of using this to gain a wand.

Then using Myra’s to empty your deck.

Then using Malygos + Togwaggle’s scheme

Then using your 3 free Malygos next turn.


Overall, yeah, this guy is real good. Those treasures on demand should not be underestimated.

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Rogue is going to be very interesting, there has to be a busted deck with all of the tools they are getting.

Yeah, as I think about how a game with this card plays out, I’m left asking myself wouldn’t I rather play Tesspionage?

And once you start talking about playing Spirit of the Shark or Shadowstepping Togwaggle, you’re going to be really far behind tempo-wise. Perhaps with enough removal (which rogues have gotten recently) you can survive that kind of tempo loss. There’s also stuff like Zilliax and the new Travelling Healer for some neutral healing to try and of course Vanish to catch up.

Here’s a rules question: if you have played Academic Espionage to shuffle in 1 mana cards and then you play Togwaggle and get the Tolin’s Goblet. Are all the copies 1 mana or full mana cost? I’d assume full cost, but if they were also 1 mana, that’d be pretty sweet.


Having actually pulled this off with Marin, first card will Cost 1, other copies will cost the original mana cost.