I once summed up Mercenaries this way:
My early comments included:
1). The PVE sucked and much could be done to improve dungeon runs to make PVE much more fun.
2). The mode was way way too grindy.
3). Pack values were horrible, since they lacked duplicate protection and included cosmetics. Mercenaries packs provided the worst pack opening value and experience that I have ever encountered in a game.
4). PVP, like most of Hearthstone, suffered from major balance issues, which doomed PVP to feel very repetitive.
5). A build up of huge surpluses of unusable coins for maxed out mercenaries felt bad.
6). Mercenaries did not seem ready for release, which made it feel like players were duped into paying to alpha-test a new mode.
In summary, rushing a mode that was too rawly designed (and with very greedy marketing strategies) to market without being able implement improvements quickly has doomed Mercenaries into being a niche mode that feels more dead than alive.
I cannot imagine any way that Hearthstone could entice me to spend more time on the mode.
I guess the Devs decided to test my resolve, which I stated in the above sentence.
Including a Mercenaries Bounty quest in a Legendary quest chain was an exceptionally bad decision among so many other bad decisions in regards to Mercanaries.
I play multiple accounts and I will certainly be skipping this quest on some of them.
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