New Quest series of new patch (22.6)

I just started solving the new special quests of the quest series that came in today.
The second quest was for Mercenaries and I’m never ever gonna touch this catastrophically bad mode ever again. So I rerolled it. It told me I wouldn’t get a replacement for this quest but I thought this means it would just skip to the next quest of the series instead of giving me an replacement, therefore shortening down my questseries and giving me less rewards.
But instead it completely removed the whole quest series from my quest page!
Just why? I want my quests back!!!

And on top of that don’t add a Mercenaries quest to my quest page at all! Mercenaries have their own corner for this. And never never never ever lock other quests behind a Mercenaries quest!!!

I hope I’m not the only one out there who hates Mercenaries to the mark like I do and supports this to make Blizzard aware that we don’t want this. I was looking forward to solving all these quests farming some goods for the next expansion and now I’ve got nothing! Thank you Blizz!!!


All quuest are of portratrait of tavish or some other similar, and there are for battlegrounds and mercenary, the 1 is for standar, 2 mercenary, 3 standar, 4 batleground and 5 standar

I started to play a mercenary game so that i could complete this quest. I finished one round and remembered how god awful it is.

Like… how many clicks to make one card attack? How is this game mode in any way hearthstone? It’s a completely different game, it just re-uses art.

It’s boring, slow, and needlessly convoluted. Im mad just looking at this quest and trying to figure out if I should do the quest, abandon it and give up on whatever rewards it gives, or just stop playing hearthstone all together out of sheer disgust.

let us skip mercenary content blizzard. It’s insane you expect us to play it for this quest.

I hope that when the designers go out to eat, they sit down at the restaurant and the waiter brings over a big bowl of raw liver that they have to eat if they want drinks at the table. That’s what this feels like.

Sure, you don’t NEED drinks. You don’t even NEED to eat at this restaurant, but if you want drinks and to eat here… EAT THIS BOWL OF RAW LIVER!


Yeah probably don’t get worked up, it’s just a badly worked quest chain for a cosmetic you don’t really need and I probably won’t do it unless I get really bored. I had already guessed that since they messed up and gave some players dust that they used, that they would probably balance the numbers out in their system by dropping bad quest chains, it would have probably given us 5 packs instead if not for their mistake.

I feel you op.

Someone needs to change the “stop trying to make ‘fetch’ happen’” meme into “stop trying to make mercstone happen, team 5!”

Then hit their social media pages with it until they take the hint.

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+2, this definetly needs to happen

it always worked like that: you can’t do step 3 without doing step 2, since you unlock step 3 by completing step 2.

I think it’s more probable that you get banned from their page :joy:

it always worked like that: you can’t do step 3 without doing step 2, since you unlock step 3 by completing step 2.

Yeah, now I know, I never rerolled an event quest from a quest chain before. This was the first time. I expected it to act like I solved it but without giving me the reward.

Yeah probably don’t get worked up, it’s just a badly worked quest chain for a cosmetic you don’t really need and I probably won’t do it unless I get really bored. I had already guessed that since they messed up and gave some players dust that they used, that they would probably balance the numbers out in their system by dropping bad quest chains, it would have probably given us 5 packs instead if not for their mistake.

Well, at least it sounds like I’m not missing out on too much. Still a bummer.

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The most they can do is block you. They don’t own those sites, and social media campaigns are a thing, especially for companies with scummy practices.

I think it’s more probable the company with scummy practices get some light shined on it (dirtbag company emoji getting mocked goes here).

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Legendary quests have a big warning of “This will prevent you from getting more quests in this quest line.” when you click the button to abandon them. You seemingly ignored that.


I once summed up Mercenaries this way:

I guess the Devs decided to test my resolve, which I stated in the above sentence.

Including a Mercenaries Bounty quest in a Legendary quest chain was an exceptionally bad decision among so many other bad decisions in regards to Mercanaries.

I play multiple accounts and I will certainly be skipping this quest on some of them.

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I skipped it entirely. Mostly bc I’m not playing right now anyway but also bc I’ll never play those other garbage modes no matter the rewards and especially for hunter portraits. I hate that class.

You speak the true true

… chicken butt…,

-** … I sense the merc hope still in you…
,You branish… And yet… you still have …,
…there faint… but NOT extinguished… you still have feelings for her!..
…there are other ways to win IF you can’t be made to play…

… indeed maybe someone else… someone else you know WILL!

,. … yes…yes a…
(static crackles fiercely and briefly for any and all outsiders)

… Indeed!.. she… SHE will join👁️us in your place!

[As the non-ordered mail-order transistor S.P.A.M. radio starts to lose its cold fire glow, tumbling and crumbling to ashen specks]
{It is heard ever so very, very faintly}

            ..."rebelled" scum...