New Priest Spells

Buff Priest intensifies?

It’s combining Priest’s temporary attack reductions with Paladin’s reduce minion’s attack to 1 in a really cheap package.

Weird combination of Mind Control and resummoning. It’s sort of like a slightly more expensive Holy Water (which never really saw play), but you don’t need to play the minion afterwards.

Priest’s Studies card. More dragon Priest stuff.


wave of apathy i like,its way cheaper then the 2 mana repeatable warlock spell which reduces by 2 attack. Its a very strong stall spell for control. Tbh it looks very op but i dont know.

priest got some good cards this expansion.

Initiation on your own DR minions…


Wave reduces Attack, not Health.

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Power Word: Feast is exactly what zoo priest has been looking for to utilize all those low attack, high health 1 drops they have.


Power word fiest broken broken broken did blizzard forget the injured cards exist??? Injured blademaster will be 6/9 for 5 mana. :exploding_head: Wtf

Tolvir= 3 mana 4/6 all while also completing quest??? Get ready for aggro priest to sweep the meta.

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Buff priest is looking better and better

Apathy would be strong with the new Cabal Acolyte (4 mana 2/6 taunt spellburst gain control of random enemy with 2 or less attack) as well as Cabal Shadowpriest, Shadow Madness and Stampeding Kodo.

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Wave of apathy is very strong with cabal priest. You can steal any minion for 7 .
PW : Feast look so, so strong to me for value trading at any stage of the game.

I’m sorry but Demon Hunter, Warrior and Shaman got way more over-powered cards. We didn’t even get as many. It’s ridiculous how OP they made DH and Warrior. So we have to deal with all that BS for weeks until they nerf them. It’s BS.

Mass dispel is no joke in this expansion.

Shadow Word: Ruin is going to very important in this expansion as well.

Don’t discount priest shenanigans too soon.

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Remember that there is also the new minion, Cabal Acolyte, with Spellburst to steal a minion with 2 attack or less. Presumably, you can proc the Spellburst with the Wave and then swipe something randomly for 5.


Power Word: Feast + Injured Tolvir let’s go.

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Mm, I wonder what the flavor text is on PW: Feast…

PW:Feast is just amazing. The tempo dream is finally real. The others are all decent and will give good nets for Sethekk Veilweaver. Apathy is both a decent trade tool and perfect combo piece for stealing minions.

For once, they’ve actually done ok for Priest.

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Power Word: Feast:

3/5 Star Power, Hard Run
4/5 Star Power, Generated

Wave of Apathy:

Paladin: Looks kind of pointless for now. 0/5 Star Power

Priest: The steal package looks scary now. 5/5 Star Power card

Initiation: Looks too expensive and narrow to put in a deck. Insane card to generate.

0/5 Star Power, Hard Run
5/5 Star Power, Generated

Draconic Studies: Eventually you will play a dragon. It’s a good card, but I don’t think it will be hard run for now.

4/5 Star Power

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The flavor text is:

Some people are here for the stellar, world-renowned academic program. Others are here for the buffet.

You can see all of the flavor texts in the card gallery:

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Not quite what I expected but I guess it works~ Thanks!

Injured Blademaster becomes a 6/9, the strongest of minions, and your opponents shall concede before your mastery of HS and memes.

If buff Priest will be tier 1, any other type of Priest can tech vs it and beat it, so I don’t mind.