Eh 5 mana 6/9 that takes two cards to make happen isn’t really that impressive.
Get ready for PriestStone i suppose?
Is this an actual “Priest is the meta tyrant” PriestStone, or the “I can’t beat Priest with mindless aggro” pseudo-PriestStone we have now?
Because if we have to go through another four months of people whining about how Priest is OP, I really hope it’s for a good reason.
It is when you’re talking about the class that can heal minions with its hero power+ the new 2 drop that gives minions +3 health priest loves big minions early game, helps them trade and keep board advantage while also hitting face. Also dont forget the buff has natural synergy with the quest, people would already run injured blademaster in a faster version of quest priest.
Injured Blademaster doesn’t even make the list in my zoo priest deck, it’s just way too weak play on turn 3, and is only good if you combo it with exactly pw: feast, which is just way too inconsistent.
4/3 for 3 mana too weak? Its one of the best statline for aggro and its always a strong drop later in the game when you’ve got the spare mana to heal and say you trade this into a 2/3 early game and then use power word feast you have healed 8 health in one go.
I much rather play Dragonmaw Overseer which gives 4/4 of stats, and snowballs if opponent can’t kill it right away, or Apotheosis to buff something already on board.
You need something to play alongside dragonmaw overseer though otherwise its just a 3 mana 2/2. Might work against afk priest but not so much against other more active decks.
As it should be considering how we got shafted compared to the other classes. We’re here to keep you guys honest
I can see it now… Activate the Obelisk, throw down Batterhead, wipe out the murlocs and feed him with Feast. Or give him the +3/+3 and if he survives a turn, then give him a 2nd +3/+3 and feed him feast.
Well with four 1 mana 1/4s + a 1 mana 1/3 in the deck, along with kul’tiran chaplain and feast on two, it is very likely something will be on the board by turn 3, as it is pretty hard to remove those four health minions that early.
I honestly don’t know. Since I don’t play the class, I can’t objectively judge the cards. My post was really a question.
To be honest, I saw Kibler try out Tempo Priest during the theorycraft stream today, and that deck looks absolutely bonkers bananas good. That being said, those were the first games of the stream, where most people were trying weird combo decks that fold pretty easily to aggression, so the deck might not be as strong as it looked in the live meta.
I think it best to wait and see. We will find out soon enough.
I make a prediction, if aggro Priest is worse than Murloc Paladin or Zoolock, it won’t see much play, even if it is a viable tier 2 deck. Most Priest players will prefer their control decks, everyone who hates Priest won’t play it.