4 mana 2/7
Whenever you summon a minion, set its Health equal to this minion
Well, first; I’m disappointed that this card didn’t turn out to be a Warlock legendary, like I originally expected judging from the image in the card reveal schedule. Hoped it was Tekahn, the Warlock hero from Dalaran Heist.
But anyway, it looks okay. Stats are very good for a 4-drop and it’ll require quite a bit of commitment to kill this thing. I actually feel a little annoyed by this card already because this makes Priests’ well known, common and most of all hated combo, Divine Spirit + Inner Fire, at least somewhat easier to do in theory. And it just makes things harder for your opponent to kill, which can be annoying if not necessarily threatening. Imagine summoning those normally 1/1 Taunts with Sand Drudge while High Priest Amet is on board.
On the downside, and the plus side for the rest of us; for as long as you have Amet on board, you don’t want to play minions with higher health because their health would get nerfed by this card. But considering how Priests don’t tend to run minions with higher health than 7 by default, except for Grave Horror and Catrina Muerte, that’s a moot point, really.
Hell, this could actually help when playing something like Witchwood Grizzly whose health was supposed to be lower when played, depending on the hand size of your opponent, but gets buffed to 7 instead thanks to Amet. I hate that idea already…
I just realized; the lower his health on the board becomes, the lower the health of the summoned/played minions will also be! Then this doesn’t look THAT bad or annoying in the long run.
Possible combos of the top of my head:
It doesn’t need to stay long, and Priest has ways to bring low-health minions back to top condition. Neferset Ritualist also says hi
Far too slow for priest, especially with Divine Spirit in the crosshairs.
Not legend material, but very few priest legends are.
Oh… Crap.
Whenever effects happen before battlecries, so your theory is a bit flawed.
Oops misread your post, but it needs to be considered.
Ok guys with coin…high priest…wisp!!!..then star aligner. Top play!
For the lols
Amet + Magma Rager.
FINALLY! Revenge is mine!
This was the comment I meant to quote above. Whenever before battlecries.
it was the first thing that came up to my head when i looked at this card
56 burst from hand possible with Amet plus Double Divine, Double Boar, Double Topsy. You can tutor the boars with Bwomsandi, but its probably still not enough yo consistently pull off.
I like this card. Good step toward playable priest
Resilient Weasel Priest in Wild with Star Aligners.
Memes don’t always stay dreams.
But you will always stay the meme of my dreams.
And you always make my cold heart melt, Bowser.
If there would be way to stealth him or make untargettable after buffing, he’d be completely obnoxious. Interesting nevertheless, if anything you can just play him and follow up with a Cleric for a 1/7 draw engine, which isn’t that terrible (if you have something to draw towards).
Or just have him stick on an empty board and snowball advantages? He could make some really sticky Taunts, especially with the Infested Goblin or whatever his name was (3 mana 2/3 revealed yesterday).
This could be a double edge sword. It could ruin your next turn if it is sitting at one health. You can lose board presence heaving to heal it back up.
Get a room, guys.
Back to topic. This and Whirlglider or Explodinator.
I mean, suddenly three or four minions with 7 health, and you know they gonna DS/IF you next turn.
Crucial distinction, this is on summon and not on play. This followed by Micro Controller for example would summon three 7 health minions.
All minions are equal, but some minions are more equal than others.
Exactly! the ones that I can find to be summoned in a turn together with it are whirlglider and explodinator.