New priest cards

Schyla is the man who thinks he knows everything and his duty in life is to correct everyone. He pictures himself as the whiteknight, the saviour of humanity, the pinnacle of achievement.

He goes around viewing all the posts in the forums and “corrects” all opinions. His views are the objective truth of the universe, and he will adminster beatings until morale improves.

Blizzard needs to see the light and promote him to community leader. His green text will inform all casual players of his importance. Only when they submit to his enlightened holiness will they be redeemed.


You could not be further from the truth if I paid you to tell fairy tales.

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Goalpost moving at its finest, the delicious hypocrisy at play is exquisite.
No one cares what you like or dislike, but people will point out when you trash a playstyle only to partake in it on another class.

Just say what you really mean you hate Priest to the core and thats fine.


I don’t like thief priest, and wish it did not exist along with thief rogue.
When Priest had just mind control, and rogue had pickpocket or whatever, that was fine, as they were outliers, and in keeping with WoW lore.
Stealing as a win condition is demoralizing, and flatly stupid, imo. What message is the game sending?
That it’s more rewarding to steal from your opponent than to build your own win condition?

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mind vision and thought steal were also in the game(classic or basic I forget which)


Keep in mind that you are talking to a Mono Blue player, and if you dont know our motto it goes like this:

Your sorrow is my playground!
Your tears are the fountain i frolic in!


true, but your entire deck wasn’t built around the principle.

My mama taught me better than to steal.:slight_smile:


making your deck synergize with other players win condition is fun!

like copying my opponent bram and boomboss with a HL priest !

when i started to play druid was mymost played class because i pulled a druid legendary

and priest because it allows copying cards i dont own


If it were copying I would be ok with it. Its flat-out stealing that makes me question who raised the designers.

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These cards aren’t bad in a vacuum. The problem is that decided that Priest is one of those classes that only gets 1/2 finished deck for standard. IE Envoy and Job Shadower would be good in some kind of Shadow Priest aggro deck like the one in Wild but you only have like half of the 30 cards needed for that deck in Standard.

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One of the decks where the hypocrisy makes me want to scream.
There was a time when aggro priest required a learning curve, and Mage had a straight forward burn deck.
They claimed mage was too good and killed it, then made today’s Wild shadow priest into exactly the same thing, without so much as a blush.

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job shadower is going to be OP in shadow priest wild i agree… probably would be fine to revert kabal lackey if they’re not going to nerf dorian+aviana+eonar+lorthemar+colifero+charge minions of druid

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