New priest cards

new priest cards Envoy of Prosperity, Job Shadower, Silvermoon Brochure

Envoy of Prosperity 2 mana minion
4/4 battlecry: put the highest cost card in your hand on top of your deck.

Job Shadower 3 mana minion
4/3 undead, battlecry: if your hero took damage this turn summon a copy of this minion.

Silvermoon Brochure (flips to Gilneas brochure)
2 mana holy spell
Give a minion +2/2 and immune this turn (flips each turn)
Gilneas Brochure 2 mana Shadowspell
give a minion -2-2 and silence it. flips each turn

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Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Put the highest Cost card in your hand on top of your deck.

Rare · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Give a minion Immune this turn and +2/+2. (Flips each turn.)

Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: If your hero took damage this turn, summon a copy of this.


Priest got screwed hard on this mini set, bad enough that Demon Hunter pulls cards from its set now we have cards that are made for it in Priest…

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Still has arguably the best deck in the meta. It’s just that most cannot play it correctly.


And even with the loss of a draw, a 2 Mana 4/4 is uhh, decent.

That card could definitely see play.

I’m less convinced by the rest of them, at least in priest.

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Envoy does combo nicely with some of the PiP cards they got

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How did Priests get screwed? I think these are pretty legit.

A 2 mana 4/4 that can reset Quickdraw on Glowstone or lets you double up your best card in-hand with a Fortune? That’s tight. It might be the best late game 2-mana option besides Power Chord. You can also combo it with Twilight Medium to reduce your best card to 1 and then copy it with Pip. Maybe Control Priest won’t be so hilariously bad anymore? It certainly will be more annoying as you can Reno earlier and more often.

Job Shadower looks pretty good to me. Many options turn 3/4 now:

  • Hit an enemy minion with Trusty Rod and get 2x 4/3s and a 1-cost minion
  • Acupuncture for 4 dmg + 2x 4/3s on board
  • Brain Masseuse into an enemy minion and get 2x 4/3s
  • Nightshade Tea an enemy minion (or the Brain Masseuse) and get 2x 4/3s

At the very least these are playable in fun decks unlike that BS we got recently like Chalk Artist, Delayed Product, Posse Possession, Void Shard etc etc etc. So much actual garbage.


Priest has the most overpowered netdeck compared to the skill needed to play in the meta right now. The main thing it does is to spam AOE from overhealing; it reminds the concept of the release version of Shopper DH; it would just spam AOE without caring too much about the opponent.

I can’t believe Vicious Syndicate (ZachO) wrote that it has a high skill cap.

I just went 7-0 with it to close out the Legend climb. Honestly it’s a completely braindead deck, MAYYYYBE you make a coin flip decision about which minion to pull out from Birdwatching but that’s about it.

I won every game by turn 7 but I did face 4 Druids which made it very easy because while they were going crazy ramping I just put together the conditions to destroy them. It is a tougher fight vs DK and Warrior fwiw - not tough as in skill cap tho.

While it’s a completely braindead deck, I was happy to blow up Druids with it as punishment for them rolling with that utterly banal, insipid, and even more braindead deck.

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I was displaying my disgust with the mini set cards and the unfortunate entanglement to the abomination that goes by Demon Hunter.
It will never sit well with me that a class like Priest has to be tainted just because that thing needs to pair with someone.

I made no statement about the current meta or Priest standing on it.

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My only question is why did envoy and job shadower need to wait 2 months? They would have at least given some sense to the rest of the cards in the original expansion release. Im not going to go so far as to say they would have made the set playable but it would have been a lot more fun to experiment with them in the main set.

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Well i mean they are the bad guys. I guess if we are looking at it from a good/bad perspective they got it right. :crazy_face:

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Sure he contaminated himself with the skull of Guldan but youre being a bit harsh

His blind eyes see what others cannot

Plus he told me it was him who was betrayed

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What is the flip-side of the brochure?

gilneas brochure: 2 mana silence and -2/-2 to a minion. shadow spell

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It’s called the Priest tax.

We’re used to it by now.

While other classes (read: Druid) get 70% of their cards in a set as playable and meta relevant, Priest players can expect 1-3 cards to actually be relevant every expansion.

And when “dual class” cards come out for Priest, they are almost always aimed more for the other class. And when they get nerfed because of the other class, you just expect to pay that tax.

Nothing to see here. Business as usual.

So, yeah…these are “Priest” cards. All the deal damage to yourself stuff is clearly made specifically for the tourist for DH.


Turn 5 reno is possible, with the ideal hand, i dont remember names

Turn 2 greedy for extra coin
Turn 3 greedy for extra coin
Turn 4 fortune guy
Turn 5 new 2 cost, coin, coin, 5 cost set to 1, coin, fortune reno

I think I know something about this tax too.

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Or you can just play Druid or Warrior and play Marin on turn 4 and wand next turn and hit reno for 0 mana.

Had that happen to me last night.

The funny thing is the best deck that is Priest is all the same cards from before except now they play 1 new Priest card…and they only play that to get the 2 new Hunter cards.

So the newest Priest deck is really improved because of 2 Hunter cards lol

I played Zarimi Priest a lot last expansion. I don’t want to play the same deck again.

And thus, it’s been all DK for me this expansion. Huge variety of decks to play that are all new.


Yeah it isn’t a priest card if it doesn’t feed into the GREED-lord archtype.