New priest cards

How’s your 21 mana Druid deck doing for you this expansion?


I didn’t play Zarimi at all last expansion. I think I didn’t have the card until more recently. I’ve been playing the most recent vs list a bit. It’s a solid deck, and it’s probably the deck I’d choose if I were going to try to rank up. It amuses me that vs always talks about how no one wants to play it. I really like it, but I could easily see it getting boring after a while

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nice card you can use any side to remove a taunt for lethal because you give inmune to a minion to remove taunt if needed

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It’s for several reasons.

For one, Priest isn’t a combo class and never really has been aside from IF/DS stuff back in the day.

Most players that want to play combo decks play stuff like Shaman or other classes.

Zarimi is more like a combo this expansion than it was last expansion. Last expansion, you didn’t have Gorgonzormu so you couldn’t really combo Zarimi out for a for sure kill most of the time. You had to get a little creative. For me, I was using Zarimi in conjunction with Pud so that you could make the combo.

Gorgonzormu made it SOOOOO much easier. Now you just play Zarimi once your cheese is at a big number. Super easy to do now.

It’s a little too easy to be honest. It’s not hard at all to pilot.
Get Zarimi to 8 dragons.
Play Zarimi.
Play Cheese.
Win game.

Or, play Zarimi, play free Drifter (which is how other people did it last expansion). Win game.

It doesn’t feel like there is much thought involved so I imagine people dislike or they are just plain tired of it. We did the Zarimi thing last expansion. We want something more fun.

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The shining example of what blizzard players are like.


Why didn’t you answer my question about your Druid you love so much?

The question hit a little too close to the truth?

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I have posted what I play but you can’t remember anything.

Go back to your conspiracy theories if that is what you think is the truth.

Oh that’s right, you switched over to Greed Warrior with Boomboss. Pardon me.

How is your 16 mana Boomboss Super Greed Warrior deck going?

reinsert image above


Did you have to search for that? Too bad blizzard lets search engines index their pages.

I play any class that greed priests HATE.

So just so we’re all clear.

You played Guff back in the day for 20 mana.
You played Boomboss as soon as it was released.
Now you’re at the greedier boomboss warrior deck.

And this entire time, your complaint is about how greedy Priest players are, all while you yourself play THE greediest decks in the meta.

It’s hilarious, honestly.


So we’re clear, I played celestial alignment druid because it was inevitable that greed priests would lose at that point. They HATED it.

Greed priests want to bleed out cards like it is original hearthstone.

That checks out. I’m not usually drawn to decks that seem overly complicated. I play hearthstone to have fun, and that doesn’t always mean I actually wanna use my brain very much. It also does make sense that it’s easier now with Gorgonzormu. I’ve used that combo a lot


Yah, he made it super easy and a lot faster. Before, you just had to draw Pip, get your drifters in hand and then copy them, then wait for Zarimi 8.

Now, you just play Gorgonzormu on 3, and very often you can have Zarimi to 8 by turn 8 and drop the bomb. You used to need that full 10 mana to get a good board that could do lethal.

That’s why this new deck is just loaded up on massive draw and small minions so that Zilliax can be free. What the deck does by turn 8 used to take until like turn 12.


They’d have to know where the truth was to know if it hit close to it, and they’re too blinded by priest hate to see anything but that.


Same, mage, DK and shaman are the homebrew classes. Everything else is solved.


You feeling ok? There are 12 step programs out there, you know.


i think fireseal just hates me personally even though i don’t really play “greed priest” except for seek guidance galakrond priest and deathrattle quest priest and a dumb highlander even priest deck i think he just hates me even though there’s no normal way he could know me i know the supernatural exists and he could know of me through supernatural ways even though i play every class regularly i mained a priest in WoW back in the day (2007 start) and maybe he hates the memory of me

No, his problem is he hates himself.

He wants to play the greediest deck possible, but gets mad that Priest has greedy decks. He is projecting.

Guff was by far the greediest deck of its time. It’s what he played. He made the excuse of playing it because it beats Priest, but his literal complaint is I hate greedy Priest decks but I will play the greediest deck imaginable. So he plays what he really hates: Greed decks.

That’s why he plays the greediest deck now in Reno Warrior. It’s 100% pure projection. He wants everyone to think Priest is the greediest class, when it has always been Druid and now that Warrior has a greedy deck he plays that.

He probably gets some weird high when he plays Brann and then Fizzle to get 2 copies in his deck so he can play Boomboss 3 times.

Not disagreeing with anything necessarily but the terminology is a bit weird. I wouldn’t call that projection but hypocrisy; projection is when they see a problem in you that they have and hypocrisy when they do what they accuse others of doing; playing a deck type is not necessarily a problem so it’s also incorrect about what a problem is to begin with.

Not sure why you imply that’s unfair; greed decks have a handicap; they are often bad against certain faster decks; the other decks often take advantage of …the greed.

Yes. The problem is playing greed decks, which he does.

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