New player experience is horrible after AO

When starting a new account and gradually unlocking heroes and cards, it’s beyond frustrating to constantly be matched against DH players with far superior cards at their disposal.

I tried to get my gf into playing HS, but not even I who have played since release can’t help her push through the early stages. 8/10 games are against DH and she has 3 classes unlocked with just the basic cards - while they run Legend-ready decks. It’s so broken, and if it’s not adjusted, then there won’t be any new players in HS any more.


Sadly they have no clue what they are doing anymore if they ever did


This is nothing new I am afraid and just gets worse every expansion.

The power of cards - and now a new character - is ramped up each release, accumulating for all of the current sets.

If you’ve just started playing you won’t have all those cards and will stand little chance, but that is actually the point - they need the new fodder to make the old players feel superior and drop money.

The game works not on balance and fair play but on getting a small proportion of the player base to spend large amounts of money to buy that superiority.

‘I have spent $x,000 on HS’ is a thread you can easily find, the one today $900.

If you are a low spender/F2P you fit in as the mark that is set up to be atomised for those players next win.

Obviously not in ranked above maybe rank 20, but certainly in any other mode new players are stupid enough to venture into.

Even the low spenders can atomise normal players in casual, again being the point.

TLDR - this is how it is supposed to be and is nothing new since I installed 2 1/2 years ago.

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Why not have her unlock all classes first? Or even better, have her unlock Demon Hunter herself? I mean, it’s free, so…

How am I supposed to get to rank bronze 10 from new player rank 40 when all I face are people who clearly are not new. Legendaries out the butt better knowledge of card mechanics and when its not that its a demon hunter I am facing. And before anyone says “Why don’t you play Demon Hunter then?” Is this what this game is everyone plays the same class now because its so OP it makes every other class irrelevant?
It wouldn’t be so bad if they gave us the new free decks before we had to try climbing 40 ranks.


Yeah. I played a few matches when the game first came out but was too busy to really play. Started playing a little more now so my account is pretty much new.

I lose 100% of the time (unless the other player quits at the very beginning).

Plan is to just keep losing to complete daily quests for a little while. If nothing every changes due to the gap in player decks… will probably just quit.

Note if there was more / better single player content. I could see myself just doing that until I am able to gain better cards.


I built some beginner decks to help bridge the gap:

The cheap expansion cards can go a long way while you are building your collection.

And with the new duplicate protection, you are now guaranteed to get all the commons of a set in around 27 packs. This may take a while, but now is the best time to do so since in Standard there are only 4 expansions at the moment.

Yes, it is brutal. At least you can unlock the Demon Hunter deck which I think would take you pretty far. If I see it, I instantly concede. None of the starter decks can put up a fight against it, but then again, I rarely get matched against other starter decks.

yhea, just crafting one epic can give you a real edge against all other players of your level. it is power creep and p2w untill you get to where everyone has all the cards, which apparently is at rank 49 and in all casual.

Not sure if you’re aware of this tip but she too (anyone can) can unlock the Demon Hunter straightaway after the tutorial. The tip I want to give (it surprised me too) is that if you unlock the Demon Hunter first, it automatically unlocks all the other classes for you as well. Granted they’re all level 1 still but you can use them straightaway.

No idea if that’s intended or a bug, but it’s pretty cool.

Lastly, all I can do is agree with you. I was using my daughters account and helping her down from Rank 30 (got her to 17) and using even my knowledge of the game and crafting the best decks I could with her gold and dust, even I was losing to DH’s.

It’s like you can play DH yourself or face DH. Such a horrible time for new players right now.

Demon Hunter starts you at level 20 which could be why the other classes get unlocked. Who knows.

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Demon Hunter cards are so efficient, it’s an absolute nightmare starting out as another class. You basically get the equivalent of curated picks of decent or better cards from 3 expansions worth for DH right away, whereas with the original 9 classes, you are starting from basics and have “bad” cards to open as well as good ones (and only so much dust to spend), which would likely take the better part of a month.

Maybe I am no longer new player excited, or just forgot how much struggle it was, but tried playing at Apprentice Rank 40 on a barely used account today, and came across a Galakrond Zoolock pretty much, and a DH. Sure that’s a good experience at the point where the account only has 6 classic packs and 100 gold.

As long as I can help people with those “more budget than budget” decks I’ll do so, but I even forget how long it could take to get those cards across the sets.

They really screwed up the new player experience by giving everyone the curated decks and the fully built DH deck so they can play ladder right away. The casual queue is now filled by nothing but the new player curated decks. It is very hard to find anyone that is playing something they built, no matter how low your MMR and win rate in that queue is.

When a new player gets a quest for one of the classes that isn’t their curated deck and they have to build their own deck out of their measly collection, they get demolished by the curated decks.

They need to take a page from the Magic Arena playbook and put all the people using the curated decks in a special queue where they play against each other. They should also be able to have some technology that can determine if those decks are greater than x% curated and keep them in that queue too.

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