New PIP mage cards revealed by Zeddy

I’ll guess the Paladin cards will be spells that discount for face damage. Just a guess based on the Tourist’s effect. It needs cheap spells to achieve full value, so it makes sense for the Paladin cards to accommodate that.

Mage is about to eat a bunch of nerfs over Druid im not happy about that.

The location is beyond horrible i had to read the effect 2x i couldnt belive how bad it was.

Go with the flow and Chalice are great and will be nerfed to the ground.
I expected more from the tourist card , oh well waiting for tomorow to see the Paladin cards.

Cant belive im going to tune in to see Paladin card reveals , thats a first.

Yup, 2 card combo but also technically flexible. Also no idea, do the 2nd and 3rd drinks count as "didn’t start in deck cards?

Sure people lament “Quest mage is dead” (especially the infinite turn 30/30 or 40/40 card variant)

But Timewarp is still finding it’s way into every #1-100 Mage deck. They’re just 1 turn-2 turn kill combos quests playing 4 mana sorcerers and dupes to cast 1 turn kill combos with infinitely ramping damage and Draw/ Luna / Chandeleir timewarp mage.

If drinks count as 4 spells for 1-3 mana, that’s crazy in wild.

It’s also 0 mana deal 6 damage and 0-2x spells for timewarp mage which could allow them to midturn combo earlier.

But if it doesn’t combo, then they’ll just play without it.

And it could flex as a turn 5-7 play ± coin allows you to full combo 4x 2- mana minions on turn 6 if you saved it.

Plus wild has mana biscuit, but the card would also clog your hand.

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Am I the only one who finds all the cards boring? Either mana cheat some big spell (none of the spells seem very interesting either) or some OTK stuff.

Lets not forget that one card 3 mana card (concierge) that makes other class cards cost (1) less… So druid could be paying 0 mana for go with the flow and chalice (they can also do it with that nature spell that reduces costs too I suppose although not on the additional 2 drinks I guess).

I dont know I guess I’m just bored with the fundamental design of the game… more board clears meaning minions are less useful… more from hand damage multipliers and more casino mana cheat nonsense.

They sure do. Much like how bananas work in Hunter.


Oh god, great.

“Still #1-100 deck postnerf card linked to otks and ice blocks and 1 turn /semi interactive combos / 2-4x iceblocks 2-4x solid alibis 2-4x frost novas → 1-2x vardens ± 10-40+ double freeze armor ± reno/poofs ± ‘nerfed’ infinite dmg otks”. Are potentially still on the menu with a potential 4 free spells for 0 mana on the sorc timewarp otk pre-warp turn then.

How long can this go on? (

(Rock deck player btw. Enjoying 80 armor + 8 frozen boards in a row + 2-3x full health regen + full health regen + 4x solid alibis + counterspelled / OBJECTIONED! zephyries + Infinite dmg otk turn [Rock vs paper] matches. Keeps the game balanced but ggghghgh. )

[Wonder if Objection going from [3 mana: Counter a minion] to [3 mana: Counter a minion, return it to their hand, and set it’s cost to 5] Could be a fair nerf.

  • 3 mana for OBJECTION’S [Minion mana cost + 5 mana tax] could make playing around [Ice block + OBJECTION + counterspell + Rigged Fair game] every secret a lot less obnoxious.]
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Go with the Flow brings versatility for 1 mana. Probably strong enough to run in decks on its own, very powerful when discovered.

Marooned Archmage seems very powerful in Big Spell Mage or Tempo Mage. You can play this into a freeze/burn spell on Turn 3. If you play this on Turn 3, Under the Sea becomes playable on curve.

Seabreeze Chalice seems like a solid burn/board clear that’ll see a decent amount of play. Probably a bit scarier in Druid tbh.

Tide Pools looks really strong. It can feed more spells to a Burn/Tempo deck or let a Big Spell Mage access cheap spells without messing with deck construction too much.

Raylla, Sand Sculptor looks like Tempo Mage fuel. Spitting out DS 2 drops with a bunch of cheap spells is probably going to be stronger than people might realize. Especially with access to Paladin cards.


This I would expect. Team 5 has been really strict about playrates in mage, so if Druid gets hit and mage is collateral , then that is just two for one.

That’s two of us, lol.



I completely disagree xD

You hated the Big spell mage package revealed earlier today, I loved it

You loved this package, I hated it

Raylla is somewhat OK-ish, very, very niche, not sure if there’s a place for that card in any deck, it’s just too slow and too weak stat-wise

Marooned archmage is really good, that’s the only one I liked, but I can only picture it in a tempo mage deck, which sucks, because tempo mage sucks now and the PIP seems to be all about Big spell mage, so this card, as good as it is, will also probably be unplayable.

Poor Zeddy, he got the worst reveals this time around.

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if nothing else it’s really great for excavate mage, for whatever that’s worth (I still believe)


Anything involving the word “big” in a card game is overcompensating for its lack of skill. It plays to swing the game and either hard loses or hard wins.

Back n forth will always be the more interesting play style. Reason this bunch is better.

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this is a nonsense argument

you mean to tell me big spell mage from AV was a no-skill brainless deck compared to, say, idk Launch DH?

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More interesting, but less winning

After a while, you get tired of just losing ranks, so you give up

It’s like no spell mage, but worse, because spell mage at least had a winrate around 50%

Tempo mage doesn’t, and won’t

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Yes, all “big” decks rely on drawing well and completely swinging the game off that.

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This won’t create an archetype. This is just potential Rainbow includes.

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haha got it, funny troll you really fooled me there.

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After giving this some thought, perhaps tide pools could give me more Wildfires… idk. I think Rewind is way more reliable.

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Rewind is definitely more reliable with as large as the pool of spells is in wild


Don’t even bother with Tide Pools. It’s literal filler to make the location discover pool worse so that the new neutral 2-cost minion that discovers a location will miss more often.


It would have been nice if Mage also got a good board clear but I guess that’s asking for too much.

For a class that has the strength of “controlling the board,” its clears still depend on playing Rainbow for Inquisitive Creation. The rest are completely subpar. Even an effect like Mass Polymorph would be nice to survive huge amounts of stats, but not even something like that exists.

Hopefully Paladin will get a good clear, otherwise it will be hard for a Mage to survive against hordes of stats.

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