New PIP mage cards revealed by Zeddy

Go with the Flow: 1 mana epic spell
Choose a minion. If it’s enemy, freeze it. if it’s friendly, give it spell damage +1.
Epic · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Choose a minion. If it
Marooned Archmage: 3 mana common minion
3 attack 3 health. Your first spell each turn costs (2) less.
Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Your first spell each turn costs (2) less.
Seabreeze Chalice: 1 mana common spell
Deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies. (Three drinks left!) (can be cast three times)
Common · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies. (3 Drinks left!)
Tide Pools 3 mana common location 3 durability
Discover a spell that costs (3) or less. After you cast a spell, reopen this.
Common · Location · Perils in Paradise · Discover a spell that costs (3) or less. After you cast a spell, reopen this.
Raylla, Sand Sculptor 4 mana legendary minion
2 attack 5 health Paladin Tourist - After you cast a spell, summon a random 2-cost Minion and give it Divine Shield.
Legendary · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Paladin Tourist After you cast a spell, summon a random 2-Cost minion and give it Divine Shield.
All seem pretty good to me! I hope Mallenroh’s happy. I am happy with them.


Sand Sculptor looks good. I’m interested to see if this mage/paladin hybrid can actually work

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So one archetype is Big Spell Mage and the other is Burn Mage.

The 1 mana spell give a minion spell damage or freeze is pretty good. Mage and Druid should really like that.

The drink is essentially 6 damage for 3 mana to face if they have no minions… combine it with 2 of the 1 mana spells then it becomes 12 damage…ugh that’s scary.

Mage gets divine shield minions. Looks fun.


These seem pretty good. Way better than what We saw earlier:)
Marooned archmage is already giving me ideas.
Go with the Flow makes me think maybe Spell dmg mage can be at least a partial thing again if not a stand alone deck.

this seems awful imo, best case is with owl in druid

This is a very solid card that I suspect will see play in both mage and druid

ew this is disgusting both for small spell cycle and for owlonius

seems solid enough, 3 cheap cycle cards over 3 (or less) turns, seems pretty solid

looks great but questionable for mage in particular definitely a great combo with Volley Maul in both classes though

Mallenroh will not be happy until mage gets a “Start of game: draw this. Win the game” spell.

That drink is straight up OP.


Mage is looking pretty solid imo. Now just gotta see the paladin cards.

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I literally just posted almost the same thing that you did on Marooned Archmage (and before you did.)
I disagree that Go with the Flow is terrible. I’ll bet I find a way in Wild.

If you cannot call my name without saying something insulting, then please don’t mention me at all.

A nice combo here is the Tourist with the drink.

Tourist. Play drink 3 times. Deal 6 get 3 2- mana minions with divine shield.

It’s damage and board refill all in one.

Now if Paladin also gets a cheap drink…


And we aren’t even discussing it as :

Rainbow mage finisher.
Early game clear.
Other cards it can and will fuel.

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Yeah I’m more afraid of this. The 1 cost spell can get you spell damage ramp and then you can spam cheap spells.

And I hate that Druid gets this. Spell damage Druid is already annoying as is.

It’s a good thing I don’t love this sort of deck.
Oh, wait…

Druid getting it is scary alright.

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I like the big spell stuff better than these cards, at least for mage.

Druid will love the spell damage card and the drink for their Owlonius deck, that said the drink should still be good in Mage

Tide pools looks like a great card for mage 3 mana discover 3 cheap spells whenever you want

Rayella could be pretty good with the amount of cheap spells mage can get

Marooned archmage might be bad for both classes

Yeah this is definitely up there with fast burn mage. I just hope it’s not too fast.

I can see at least one of these cards getting nerfed. And likely because of Druid spamming the drink.

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yeah. Druid with a machine gun for face…

People should consider themselves Lucky that rising waves isn’t a Nature spell at this point.

And yes it looks like one.


These all look great except the location. Why would I spend 3 mana to slowly accumulate spells that aren’t even discounted. I have Infinitize for that. The rest are very good. Finally, the no minion nonsense is over.

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Yes Exactly what I was thinking :rofl:

Please no nature!

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It’s a rare day that you and I both like Mage cards:)

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That might be a good thing. If the location was too good, Rogue might have a field day.

Play free spell because Rogue
Discover again
Repeat 3 times.

Rogue often ruins things for a lot of classes.