New Patch notes

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Oh look. They finally made it make sense.

But really…they buffed a ton of cards to make some archetypes and classes better but not a single Priest buff? Seriously, how?

And no nerf to Hollidae. I’m shocked.

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Called it!

I’m very happy that Inquisitive Creation just went to 5 rather than making it start from 0. Keeps the card playable but toned down a bit and its stats now make sense for such an effect.

Card always reminded me of Spammy, glad they are twinsies now.
I appreciate the Excavate buffs also, very good changes IMO!

I put this in the other thread, but I think the ‘buff’ to Discovery of Magic on balance might actually help Rainbow more than it is hurt by the Inquisitive nerf

  • [Hearthstone] Discovery of Magic will now always offer three Discover options when played (if you’ve played enough spell schools that only 1 or 2 remain, it will fill in with random spell(s) from the same spell school(s)).

I expected more changes to be honest.

Burrow Buster is a pretty legit card now I think.

Enrage warrior was in fact powerful as heck but no one calls for nerfs because most not even face it.

Glad blizzard done something without someone ring the bells for once.

Lmao! Buff priest? It’s cancer enough as it is thanks . Doesn’t need a buff whatsoever

Priest is garbage right now.

Just because you don’t like the class, that doesn’t mean it should be trash tier.


Eeeeh, should been like this from the start. Frequently by the time i plaed the fifth spell school either i have already played thiis and the card is sitting on my hand, or the game is coming to a close.

Don’t think it really matters.

It’s one of the worst performing classes next to Warlock and Demon Hunter. All other classes have viable decks. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Well, hoped for the best, expected a joke. Received a joke.

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Nah priest can destroy any deck they play you just have to have skills.

Are Top1k Legend players in the game skilled players?

If you answer yes to the above, then explain why they don’t play with nor win with Priest.

If your answer is no, see my previous comment:

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Where the hell are the paladin nerfs?

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Priest has an issue of not card quality, but quantity - most cards are simply unplayable. I wrote it in another topic, but in last 4 expansions Priest got 1-2 class cards/expansion, which are playable.

And the rest is random trash like overheal and 1 cost spells.

So far I am getting that I should not play priest or warlock, everyone still hates mage, and paladin is doing normal paladin.

What did I miss?

That’s the gist of it. If you play Priest, just play Undead Priest for a Tier 3 deck. It’s the same Undead Priest that’s been around forever. Nothing new at all.

Warlock is struggling to find its footing, excavate buffs might help it a tiny bit…but Priest doesn’t benefit from Excavate at all so there’s literally no buff to Priest here and small buffs to Excavate Warlock.

Paladin is extremely strong AND has 4 viable decks (2 at tier 1 and 2 at tier 2). Basically, same old Paladin privilege we’ve always known.

Most classes have viable decks at Tier 2 or above. Only Warlock/DH/Priest don’t have a Tier 2 deck or above, everyone else does. And we just saw slight buffs to DH and Warlock here…so yeah.

Overall, Meta looks diverse and isn’t terrible to play (imo) as long as you enjoy any of the other classes. I am enjoying Shaman right now, but absolutely shocked that Hollidae didn’t get nerfed. The mulligan win rate on Hollidae is so insane.

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I just looked up that card.

Seems like a really strong card for some kind of otk or control shaman.

Is it really that good as a 5drop card? Seems like a silence would stop it dead or a viper. Is the deck not common enough for people to do that?

You can say the same about control priest, lol.

I am playing now automation priest to certain success, but it sucks that the “key card” that was introduced is cut out, because it is simply useless (Pip).

You can run Viper to counter, yes, but Shaman also has their Windfury weapon you have to deal with as well.

The biggest thing about it that makes it so busted is the value and the fact the Frogs have taunt. You draw this thing and play it ASAP and you have massive control over the board and you basically won’t lose to aggro. And aggro isn’t running viper. And if you don’t deal with it asap, suddenly the Shaman has 6/6s and 7/7s dropping for free.

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