New Paradise bundle is not appropriate for me and others

I hate to bring this up, but I’m a sober individual, and I take pride in the fact that I’ve not had a drink in over 31 years.

Did Blizzard really have to make it a quest goal for me to play a drink card in order to earn my daily reward?

What if I dont’ want to ‘take a drink?’ What if it’s actually going to cause me distress, knowing that I could be somewhere else, on a fantastic island, sipping Pina Coladas, but I’m stuck here, in this digital world, being reminded of ‘what I’m missing?’

Isn’t this a direct pitch to whales that can afford such luxuries?

Besides that, what ever happened to good old Blizzard questlines, like, ‘Go join the Frostwolves,’ or, ‘Go defend the Night Elves?’

Or, even, ‘Deckard Cain needs your help?’

I really am wondering where the future of Bizzard will take us, now that it’s owned and operated by Microsoft.

If you laugh, and say that I’m the exception to the rule, here…

I am a member of a large demographic of recovered alcoholics and addicts.

Ask yourself one simple question: ‘What would I do with my free time, if I couldn’t drink anymore?’


maybe it would help if you tell yourself the drinks are non alcoholic? except maybe the “health” drink of the warlocks which is supposed to poison the imbiber i guess?


Thanks for the chuckles!

No, I can’t really justify non alcoholic drinks on an island paradise. Blech!

What people really don’t understand about us sober people is that we really did like drinking! More than most, which is an understatement!

As for the poison reference, I think you hit it right on the nose (ouch)!


Only an alcoholic would think that “drink” refers exclusively to an alcoholic drink


First of all, congratulations. My brother’s a recovering alcoholic and seeing what he goes through, every single day, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. He’s 9 years sober but it’s a constant thing, and honestly if he were to play this game in this expac he’d probably be echoing your complaints here. Sometimes, it’s not about the context, but the trigger itself.

Secondly, while I understand (at least as much as an “outsider looking in” can possibly comprehend) what you’re saying here… I rather think you have to look at this from a big picture perspective. You aren’t going to change the world by not drinking. You’re only going to change yourself, and for the better.

But the drinks will be there, the bars will be there, and the references will be there. It sucks, it really seems to suck… but that’s life. Your option is probably to just stop playing this game, if it triggers you to that point.

Again, you have my genuine sympathy. I hope you stay strong.