New Paladin Weapon: Libram of Judgement

I am not looking forward to this.

Well, if paladin wasn’t already on god tier now it is.

Yay for more never ending pure paladins

Paladin are officially the new s-tier deck

I think this card is great but it will suffer from 2 problems that I can see. First, when you run too many weapons they start to become useless. Paladin already has to choose between Libram of Justice, The Truesilver Champion off of Zealot, and Hammer of Narru. I made a pure paladin deck because I play a little bit of everything and I put in 2 Hammer of the Narru. I kept running into this situation where I play the first Hammer, then I have to sit there with the second not doing anything while I get value out of the 3/3 weapon.

The problem is that a deck can have too many weapons. If you have multiple minions, as long as they are are not all 10 drops you can play a few a turn, same for spells. But if you end up with a hand of 4 weapons, you can only use one at a time. It’s a particular weakness of a weapon deck.

And second, if you don’t find enough libram discount, this will be tough to corrupt.

It’s still a great weapon and I will include 1 but not two in my paladin deck.

The card looks alright, but I don’t think you would want to play it over the Hammer of Naaru because of the utility of a 6/6 body as a proactive threat.

Since the Hammer is already one of the weakest card in Paladin, usually played as a 1 of, I don’t think this card will be meta.

Why not play both? It’s not like they’re competing.

It being a Libram makes it incredibly flexible.

And… it’s 15 DAMAGE IN 1 CARD.

A potential 30 health swing in 1 card…

15 damage…

I think people are really underestimating it… but you will all see tomorrow :sweat_smile:

Libram paladin has been left unnerfed all this time and gets a broken weapon to add to its arsenal as if it needed any help.

Here comes a meta full of stickyfingers just to try to beat paladin down.

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The same reason you usually want only 1 Hammer of Naaru: it’s taking your weapon slot for 3 turns at least and can’t be played before turn 6. It’s just there to have an extra threat and because you always play some weaker cards to have 30 cards in your deck.

Another thing to keep in mind is that libroom is a minions deck. The real power play comes from juggling librams of wisdom and penflingers and rushing buffed minions. And this card is not a minion which mean it doesn’t benefit from the strongest synergy in the deck.

Finally, the lifesteal is mostly irrelevant because to corrupt it you need to play wisdom of hope prior. Since it’s usually a turn 7 or 8 play it means the weapon would come online by turn 8 or 9 and by then games vs aggro decks are already over. So you could think the weapon would come as a late game threat vs slower control decks but many of those run weapon hate making the card even more useless.

I absolutely hate this. Its horrible.

Stickyfinger meta part 2. Possibly the most broken single card released all year, with the exception of DH

I’m not sold on the weapon.
As other people pointed out :

  • How many weapons do you need before they start clogging up your hand?
  • It’s going to be difficult to corrupt.

I see it fitting in a control oriented deck. I’m thinking of the recent corrupt paladin that’s been popping up. Just putting it in pure paladin feels redundant to me.

Gonna list some pally cards that I think is playable (so not something like nozari or lay on hands) that can corrupt this

With no libram cost discount:
Libram of Hope (since both cards get libram discount, hope will always corrupt)

With -1 discount (should be super easy to get)
Lightforged Crusader
Commencement for big decks (still doubtful it’ll be as competitive)

With -2 discount (still fairly easy to get, a single truthseeker will do)
Hammer of the Naaru (though you may be too greedy on the weapon usage if you run two 6+ cost weapons)
Pharaoh’s Blessing (very iffy as this hasn’t seen much use)
Avenging wrath (even more iffy, but if you going for a weapon, having another direct from hand damage source may make sense for whatever meme deck you’re building)

With -3 discount (pally had decent draw in getting to his libram discount minions)
Blessing of authority
Carousel Gryphon
Lothraxion (dude + libram pally may not work the best together, but hey lothraxion is arguably decent even outside of a dude centric deck)
Amber watcher (not seen much these days, try it in some dragon/healing deck before it rotates?)

With -4 discount (pally has had good draw in getting his libram discount cards)
LIghtforge zealot/truesilver
Kings (overshadowed by authority these days, but technically it’s not a bad card)

Past this point it should be easy enough to corrupt with many cards to list them all.

Now consider the following: at -2 discount, it’s better than arcanite reaper. No, reaper isn’t the most amazing weapon, but it has seen use in the past. It’s only overshadowed by better weapons. But this weapon can be discounted even further. So this weapon can still be useful even if you somehow haven’t been able to corrupt it. It gives you from hand damage options so you don’t have to always rely on penflingers or dumping more stats.

Now we just need to give pally ways to buff his weapon/hero attack like most other weapon classes, then we can really start considering weapon/pirate pally…

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