I mean, if Pallies ever struggle with finding enough damage, they can cram 2 of these in any deck and have reach of 30 HP without ever connecting anything else to the face. Which has been historically the way to prevent Paladins from winning - no board, no damage. Actually a viable way to close games?..
its a good replacement for when the lightforged cards rotate
I wanted to craft it because it was cool and the weapon was strong.
I will save dust, I guess (but it’s still cool, maybe my dust isn’t safe)
silas wants to know your location
the pirate what brings back weapons will be also very good for this (in a pure paladin, without libram of justice, probably)
silas wants to know your location
that’s been fixed in the patch notes.
woooo, thank you for letting me know!
Now I can play silas without feeling bad
So good , and Warlock will be crazy as well
The pirate that brings back weapons.
In Pure Paladin.
Yes. Yes try that. Come tell us how it works.
By the way if you ever get lethal with this weapon, you are obligated to say “I’m throwing the book at you” out loud just as Uther or whatever hits them.
So bad ahahaha
You can easily tell I don’t play pure paladin, or that pirate at all
I agree with this. In fact I think it’s such a big deal, that we might start seeing Pure Paladin played at high ranks, not just Libroom.
Unless my read is off, Pure’s whole issue is that it has a hard time sticking a board to deal any face damage at a certain point. If you can get an extra 10-15 from weapon swings, that might be good enough to close out games and make it worth running the pure cards instead of Penflingers.
Looks cool.
Might get nerfed.
its a book.
strongest weapon ever made is a book.
Pen, swords, mightier, etc
Guess I will keep sticky fingers in my decks lol.
Having power spread between 3 weapon charges is great for weapon buffs but it makes you more susceptible to sticky over ooze — this weapon is so good it will be run regardless I think.
Theorycraft: have paladin pretend they are soul DH. No, they still don’t have the same level of damage from hand/weapon, but paladins are still better at building board, so the board will have to make up the difference.
I’m looking at the first soul DH deck list from a few months ago and try to do a 1 to 1 replacement…
Spirit Jailer -> Aldor Attendent
Chaos Strike -> Hand of Adal
Aldrachi -> Libram of Judgment (both life steal weapons, DH can buff his attack, whereas pally can discount the weapon)
Marrow slicer -> truesilver/zealot
Shardshatter and Blade dance -> consecration with equality or libram of justice (DH can use his 4 clears separately, whereas pally can only do his big clear twice … quantity of clears vs quality of the clear)
Glaivebound -> Aldor Truthseeker (they serve different purpose, but both are 5 drops and pally needs that libram cost reduction)
Lapidary -> Libram of Hope (instead of burst damage wth body, it’s burst healing with body)
Hoard pillager -> hoard pillager, I mean why not?
Manafeeder and Wandmaker -> can go with the usual pally early drops (anything from first day to two shields, maybe the new dormant minion)
Stickyfinger (tech card) -> keep it, some other tech, more pure stuff, whatever
This leaves the following cards that there’s no real replacement
Skull -> Hammer of wrath for better than nothing draw? Hammer of naruu for a 6 drop?
Malicia -> Turalion or Yrel as they’re the only rush pally has right now? Or go for something completely different like lightforge crusader or liandrin for refill? Something like subdue to deal with big things since you can’t buff your attack to kill it like DH?
Kayn -> yeah lol need something here
Not really. You can Corrupt with cheaper cards after it gets discounts. Probably too clunky for constructed though but we have all seen how good and annoying a 5/3 Lifesteal weapons was for Paladin with the DK but that weapon also came with the DK win condition.
Looks like Paladin is going to play the same win condition until 2022.
Be ready for a lot of “Hey loser”.
this will cost 4 mana most of the time
What about the rush lifesteal guy?
Ugh, more librams…