7 mana
Corrupt: Gain Lifesteal
This will probably on average get played on turn 6ish but that’s a big weapon even at that stage
7 mana
Corrupt: Gain Lifesteal
This will probably on average get played on turn 6ish but that’s a big weapon even at that stage
This will be nerfed tomorrow.
It’s a libram it absolutely will
Oof imagine getting a 4 mana 5/3 with lifesteal on turn 6. This is very good. Heck, Paladin’s Deathknight costs 9, and even then people still play it for the weapon
The only problem with this is that only Libram of Hope corrupts it in Pure.
One thing I am not sure about with this. If you play Aldor Truthseeker when this costs 5 or 6 mana and is in your hand does it get corrupted? Cost changing effects have been weird when working with corrupt cards sometimes so Im not sure
The minion is considered played before it’s battlecry happens, so no.
Still, this card is gorgeous and will be a one-of in my list.
Thanks. Wasn’t sure how that order worked.
I think this might actually make Libroom a Tier 1 deck for the foreseeable future.
If it is easy to trigger then keyword then maybe.
It’s good even without been corrupted if it’s discounted enough, but yeah. Only a couple of cards in the deck will corrupt it. Libram of Hope and potentially Silas.
As you discount it, it also becomes far easier to corrupt.
Yes very good point wardrum.
That sounds correct but it’s not really in theory. The cheapest way to corrupt it is Attendant, Attendant, Truthseeker then another truthseeker to corrupt it. Remember, with most pute/broom decks all your high cost cards are being reduced in cost at the same time.
Realistically only Libram of Hope and Silas (if you run it), corrupt this in current lists.
I think it’s monumental for Paladin to finally get a secondary viable win condition other than minion damage.
Something about smacking a warlock, mage, or priest in the face with a 5/3 weapon will feel incredibly satisfying.
Their total weapon damage will probably spell doom for the clothies. I can’t wait.
This is 100% going to make Paladin an almost unbeatable class.
I’ll still run at least one Hammer, which will also corrupt it quite easily.
Granted, I tend to play Pure over Libroom.
I’ve never run the hammer in my Paladin builds. I had to cut Yrel too. Paladin cards are so good there’s barely enough space to fit them in a deck.
Edit: I haven’t used Paladin in a while (don’t like it at Legend) my current deck has Stickyfingers in so I could include either Hammer or Yrel.
Edit 2: What do you cut for 2x these in either Libroom or Pure though? The deck starts becoming top-heavy if you remove cards like Braggart. I suppose Silas would have to go.
Game Dev Alec confirms that this new weapon DOES benefit from Libram discounts.