Priest are currently rolling with a 5/5 undead t2 that is 100 % guaranteed to hit and can be ressurected with reborn several time, or silenced so that it doesn’t die on attack. They can also buff it and draw 3 with a location that do 3x hand of a’dal for 3 mana.
So yeah, I don’t think priest main have the legitimity to complain about paladin having a 5/5 that require a divine shield that stick on board T1 to happen early in the game.
and that without mentionning all the other crazy tools undead priest have.
No, I did not mean you. The players I mean know exactly who they are.
Hey man, I never said Priest wasn’t strong. I think Undead Priest is in need of an adjustment. You know I don’t play that deck, right? So I’m not a Priest main defending Priest. I’m a Priest main saying Paladin has been the most consistently successful class in the game (remember, Paladin is my 2nd most played class btw) and I am extremely consistent in giving nerf nods when Priest is broken (like I was when Naga Priest was busted, Innerfire Priest and now with Undead Priest).
You’re practically preaching to the choir.
I feel you man. I do feel for Warrior right now. I’m a bit optimistic though with rotation. Maybe the broken stuff keeping Warrior out of the meta rotating out gives enough breathing room to put something together.
All I can surmise is that Blizzard wants us playing quicker decks so we can kill the opponent before they can get their shenanigans off…you know…same as it has been for a couple of years now. Just with more powerful aggro tools.
Actually, Mage is only the fourth or fifth most nerfed class.
Rogue, DH and Warlock are the top three.
Zeddy posted a graph on Reddit in January of last year with the numbers of nerfs by class (link to the Reddit thread at the bottom of this post):
Since then,
Rogue has received 13 additional nerfs.
Warlock has received 2 additional nerfs, plus getting 1 card banned in Wild.
DH has received 6 additional nerfs.
Mage has received 6 additional nerfs.
So, Rogue is now firmly in the lead, and DH has tied (or maybe overtaken) Warlock for second place.
Mage is a bit above average, but still behind at least three other classes.
I’m not entirely sure that looking at the number of nerfs per class is justifiable in the way you want to use it. For instance I had like 5 mage decks that worked entirely differently that ceased to exist after sorcerer apprentice nerf. Yet out of like 10 of those hunter nerfs like 5 of those were for a single archetype quest hunter in which those cards were mostly worthless for any other style. You also have nerfs where cards have been killed and then there are nerfs that have been such light taps that they have gone hardly noticed. I can’t even comprehend which class loses the most out from these neutral nerfs.
Also maybe you don’t necessarily care about nerfs that happened from a time before when you individually started to play and we all mostly started at different times.
Those 10 for Hunter were from before Jan. 11, 2022, so most of those were from very early in the game’s history. None of those were the nerfs to Quest Hunter.
Since then, Hunter has received 9 additional nerfs, including the three specifically directed at Quest Hunter (Rapid Fire, Dragonbane Shot and the Quest itself) and three separate nerfs to Wild Seeds, which the quest deck used. (The last three nerfs were Harpoon Gun and then Shockspitter twice.)
Neutrals definitely do complicate things as well.
It may not be a perfect way to measure, but if you’re wondering which class has been nerfed the most, simply counting nerfs is probably the simplest baseline to start from.
The point is that Mage, Priest, Rogue and Warlock are persecuted against.
Mage, Priest — tied† for weakest classes historically, but tied† for 4th most nerfs received.
Warlock, Rogue — tied† for 3rd weakest classes historically, but are the two most nerfed classes
This is in contrast to golden boys like:
Paladin — the best performing class overall but the 3rd least nerfed
Hunter, Warrior — are the two least nerfed classes, and tied† for 3rd best performing (after paladin and shaman)
I’d say overall Druid has been treated fairly. Not too hot, not too cold, just right. Shaman’s very erratic, 2nd best performing but 3rd most nerfed, but it gets neutral tier as well.
Well, as I said in the original post, the graph itself only includes nerfs up to Jan. 11, 2022.
There have been a lot of additional ones since then.
Hunter, for example, has gotten 9 additional nerfs so that it’s almost tied with Mage and Priest now. Warrior also got several more, but still probably on the lower end of total nerfs.
The patterns of good and bad periods tend to be very different across classes.
Paladin and Hunter are probably the most consistent, with only a few weak patches.
Warrior and Shaman tend to run very hot and cold: either they’re great or they’re gone.
On the other end, Mage has had fewer really strong decks than most other classes (though this year has probably brought the class up a bit), but it’s also almost unique in almost never falling completely into the dumpster. Unlike Warrior, Shaman, Warlock, etc., Mage almost always has had something at least close to playable.
Aggro mage seems pretty good right now. At least I see pro players running it on twitch at high legend. VS Puts it at tied for the 5th best deck right now.