uhhh…that 2 mana tradeable is broken. It could just be 2 mana and it would be broken. But with tradeable? Seriously? Just spitting out turn 2 5/5 minions like it’s nothing I guess.
Now the question is if your hero has DS from the Legendary spell and you play the 2 mana card, do you lose DS and then immediately gain it back? I believe so.
This might solidify me playing Paladin come rotation. DS is so strong, it’s highly understatted.
Absolutely. Like, if the card would have ANY downside, is that maybe, sometimes, you don’t have a DS and it sits dead in hand and whoops it doesn’t. Here, take some draw.
Don’t try to tell some of the Paladin mains in these forums. I’ve never seen so many people insist their class is trash while their class constantly sits top of the meta. There’s quite a few of them in here. 3 that I know of right off the bat. They’re living in a different world playing a different game
Meanwhile, time to make Paladin my main this rotation myself and embrace it.
according to someone on Twitter, yeah it does work like that
I’m curious if Spotlight could possibly summon two 5/5s if cast on that one Legendary Naga if he has a DS, and you have another DS minion on Board.
Yep, set lead confirmed this on twitter. It is a holy spell, so you would get a 5/5 elemental and recast the shield.
I don’t really understand why they would add tradeable to this card, but I don’t think you’d be trading it very often anyway with the amount of DS minions pala has. Even if you happen to draw this with no DS minions to play, this is a card you won’t really feel bad having in hand. There are a ton of cards that feel terrible to draw early and would benefit a lot from having tradeable. Putting that keyword here makes zero sense
Clearly you weren’t around during the period that Paladin consistently got a few cards trying to push a half-baked archetype each expansion, with no follow up support and a completely different archetype the next expansion. Paladin was virtually unplayable for a good chunk of time just a few years ago.
Yeah, but those were like, two dark years for paladin out of the whole game. Paladin is the class most consistently on tier 1 through history, surprising no one.
This schtick, however, has been playing mage for the last 4-5 years, if I am counting right.
That’s because no other class gets so many complaints directed at them as paladins.
I mean, if you are consistently the best class, you get the most complaints
And if you get so many complaints, you get more paladin mains come to defend their class.
And if the class really is so good, why of course you’ll get a lot of people who enjoy the class and would come to defend it. You may say they enjoy the class for the wrong reasons (something something they only play the class cuz it’s OP), it doesn’t change the fact that they have come to like the class and would defend it.
It’s kinda like how the US, being the big superpower, gets brought up a lot in political or economic discussions. And inevitably you get a lot of criticism of America because it’s such a big target. But also inevitably you’ll get patriotic if not downright nationalist people come defend the country, even for the really questionable things.
…why yes, that does mean Paladin is 'MURRICA.
::cue that funny song about America being the World Police, but I won’t link to a vid because of the language::
But anyways, with 3 pally cards left to reveal, it doesn’t look like paladins are deviating from the old DUMP STATS CURVE OUT FULL FRONTAL CRUSADE (which totally fits with the 'MURRICA song)
Its good to see pally with more draw options for once, however potentially 2x 5/5 minion by turn 3 and probably with divine shield?
Now im really curious what the deal with new mage setup will be, considering as it stands we become active mid to very late game but everything else is blasting away from the get go.
Someone recently, upon a suggestion of mine, went to document all metas that had data over many years and calculate how relevant each class was and how often.
Paladin was no where near the bottom, but instead ranked closer to the top. Let’s not try to act like Paladin hasn’t been a hard hitting contender for quite some time now. A few metas here and there where it’s not doing well pales in comparison to what other classes have experienced. Paladin has had a great ride in the meta when compared to other classes.
And boy does this FACT, based on actual statistical evidence, infuriate people. Sometimes, the truth hurts.
Nope. Pallies actually get more complaints than priests, because they have way more complaints about them in threads that really aren’t about paladins.
Because paladin is historically the top, they become like the measuring stick other classes use. You could be talking about another class but then someone will drop a comment like “we’ll never be as OP as pallies” or “just switch to paladin for ez mode”
Ever since Schyla tabulated tier lists and found paladins on top, some people took that to heart and drop these comments.
Paladin is, as said, like 'MURRICA. They’re acceptable target #1
Yeah, Paladin had a streak of bad decks near libram time. We all saw that.
But Priest has been poop-tier for the whole game existence with rare exceptions and Mage has had the “no archetype good enough for a deck” for 4 years now.
Paladin has been consistently on top of the game for most of the game history, more than any other class.