Bandersnatch cannot give uncollectible cards, and the upgraded C’thun is uncollectable so no. The collectible version you get breaks into pieces at the start of the game and only when you assemble and play the 4 broken parts does the merged c’thun get shuffled into your deck. THAT is the card that does all the damage, not the one you put in your deck. It’s the same basic concept as summoning high keeper ra with mogu cultists kinda, only this is a far easier and more reasonable summon. So no, it cannot be obtained in any other way.
didnt think about it good i kept tortolian for wild…
all i could think when i saw it if i can run 1 hard removal card on druid!
and heart of cthun will be useful for druid too not many 3 damage AOE i can run in druid
More low-effort RNG. Just can’t get excited for this anymore. Same old crap regurgitated for you to buy again.
PSA: There’s a C’thun card back in the shop now for 500 gold. I don’t know if it’s a repeat of an old one, but it looks cool. Hopefully it sticks in the shop for a while.
This new Yogg is definitely going to get constant hate for as long as it is in standard lol Personally I can’t wait to start playing with it myself! At the end of the day I’m not a pro and I don’t feel the need to take ladder that seriously so why bother caring that much.
Like the look of the other old gods aswell, I personally love the concept of C’thun and he should be good to play with.
Embrace the RNG people
Was thinking the same. Adding a shadow step or two for playing multiple C’thuns could be fun.
Just be prepared for all the shadowstep hate threads to re-emerge again. It’s a long held opinion by many players that rogue’s bounce effects are overpowered when they have access to especially strong battlecries, and playing the upgraded c’thun many times isn’t even borderline broken; It’s outright busted. There is merit behind the claim, so if it becomes a reliable play people are going to get really angry really fast. And that doesn’t even account for the possibility of a togwaggles scheme when you replay it for 8 mana.
Rogue only have to survive until he does his combo. I personally don’t think that it will see much play with rogue.
Shhh!!! Scheme was already part of the plan and you are ruining the surprise.
lol I love the new Yogg. Something about getting dominated all game and then you slam that down… 95% of the time it’s not going to work but on that 5% it’s going to be hilarious. The fact I’m either like, “OMG really!?” or know that some kid is nerd raging on the other side of the screen if the 5% pops up and goes in my favor (after I’ve been getting dominated) is worth it.
That said, I’m generally the type of player that would have lethal with a fireball and would just slam Yogg down anyway for the fun of it.
Rod of roasting
Praise the Yogg and C’thun. Both are my favorites; let madness and chaos begin!
New turtle actual combos well with c’thun and yogg. Could see a strong control mage deck using both of those as win conditions.
C’thun could also function as a win condition for a control varient of a spell only mage.
Druids are going to have fuuuuuunn with the new old gods. A super-high-roll could get a druid an old god on the board on turn 5, maybe earlier.
Maybe? What would be the point though? The stats for old gods are not great (except Y’Shaarj, but if you want raw stats there already are other options) and the battlecries are tuned for the late game.
Even if you managed to get to 10 mana super early (like turn 5):
- You’d need unbelievable luck to play all 4 C’Thun pieces and draw C’Thun very early
- You wouldn’t have played many corrupted cards, so Y’Shaarj would give you Jack
- You’d not have had many minions die, so N’Zoth would summon very little
- You’d hardly have played 10 spells for Yogg
i wonder if you can draw the c Thun pieces with:
Don’t forget that Yogg needs 10 spells to be worth it… by turn 5 you have 4 starting cards, (maybe) the coin, and 5 cards per turn after. You have at most 10 cards, one of them Yogg and he doesn’t count as a spell, sooooo…no.
I didn’t forget that, that was in fact part of my point
I knew C’thun wouldn’t be an option on turn 5. Maybe I should have read the other cards’ text more carefully.