New Old God Legendaries

The wording seems to indicate you get the corrupted versions of the cards not the base version. It says add “Corrupted” cards not cards with “Corrupt”


Whispers of the Old Gods is on my top 3 expansions this one is looking good so far ,i just hope we get enouth tools to make control work(my favorite archetype) thats dead at the moment.

It would be very good (maybe even op) if it works this way.

I thought you had to choose between

  1. playing minions/spell for 0 mana, but losing some value
  2. just play a 10/10 and fill your hands with full cost value cards
  3. something in between the two above

If they are upgraded and they are also free, they are making the same mistake they made with dragon queen alexstraza

Probably. Its arguable much better than Old Yogg with an added 5% chance to pull a win out your wazoo when nothing else could.

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you also have an added 5% chance to just straight up lose the game

You don’t really care if you were going to lose anyway with any other roll. ~2.5% butt pull win is something you gladly take in a sitatuation where any other play or roll is 100% loss.

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The corrupted cards themselves have to be played the normal way first though. It’s super slow. The corrupt card needs to sit in your hand 2 turns past when you would play it on curve typically (the 5 mana card to play with corrupt would only be on turn 7 earliest). A deck with a lot of those cards probably is gonna be bad so you need to pick and choose a few to put into your deck. This is at most gonna get you 2-4 cards when you play it. 0 cost is always scary but they can limit the combo potential of it based on which cards can be corrupted.

My concern with corrupt is that it has the similar problem to inspire in that the cards are kinda bad without the keyword and need to wait in your hand 2 extra turns to guarantee you get the better version of the card. Corrupt also has the added awkwardness of being stuck with a meh card if you end up playing the more expensive cards before you draw it or you need the corrupted version now but don’t have a good card to play. Having Ysharj as a payoff for all that awkwardness seems fine IMO

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I thought so too, then I realized that we live currently in a too fast meta, and 35 new cards won’t change this.

-The 5 mana spells are too weak. (mana inefficient=tempo lose)
-Cthun has to be played on an empty enemy board.
-I think it will increase the winrate of Fatigue warrior and Gala Rogue
-If this becomes meta, I put Illucia back in my Priest deck.
-Doesn’t do much aggro; if it is played, more aggro archetypes will reappear.
However, I’ll put in my rez Priest deck for the meme.

This is a full set not the 35 card mini set they mentioned at the beginning of the stream.


Wait, so it is the set that should appear on December?

It’s coming out November 17th. It’s a full 135 card set and something else is coming out halfway between that and the march/april set and that’s a 35 card set kinda like galakrond’s awakening with descent of dragons


Oh, I guess it does. I thought it would come out on december since DoD came out last year at that time.

I’m absolutely in love with all of them!!!

N’Zoth does look like an interesting / fun build around challenge, you probably don’t want (can’t run? need?) every tribe, but there is obviously enough value to make a menagerie build payoff.

looking at:
Murloc - Fishy Flyer. maybe Tasty Flyfish. Bluegill?
Mech - (mostly tough options) but class specific - Dragonbane, Scrap Golem, Omega Devastator. Neutrals - Hecklebot, Safeguard, Gyrocopter.
Elemental - Siamat, Scrapyard, Steward of Scrolls, Dragonbreath. Class Specific: Walking Fountain, Manna Giant.
Demon - the Imprisoned cards are demons, but really slow from a 10 manna play.
Beasts - Druid / Hunter have many options, Warrior’s & Shamans have 1 reasonable class beast. everybody else… Mannasabre, Elekk, Fleethoof Pearltusk, Darkmoon Rabbit?
Pirates - Meh. Maybe a Stickyfinger tech? idk most likely you wouldn’t run one, but you could instead of a murloc or mech.
Dragons - plenty of options.

Long story short, there looks like enough here to work with, N’Zoth has the potential to bring back Taunts, Rush & some big bodies.


The cards are quite interesting, I like the design with C’thun and I agree it could revive control, but it’s too soon to predict the meta.

N’zoth is hard to judge, looks like you need to build a deck around it.

Y’shaarj cannot be judged until we have seen the rest of the set, but it has potential.

Yogg looks a ton of fun… but I wonder if the extra layers of RNG is helpful for the game, because the card is PURE rng. In either case looks like I might try to make Casino mage work again, especially if the meta slows down.

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fwiw C’Thunn looks reasonable for a plot twist Warlock deck, even more removal bolted onto a win condition? Sign me up for that.

Could be interesting in Druid as well, as the removal cards are better than druids normally have and they have the card draw to assemble the pieces.


I would like to play Nzoth in a highlander deathrattle hunter, with king krush as a beast and, hopefully, a tribe minion with “deathrattle + heal”.

It looks bad just because it doesn’t do anything special (for now).
But a 10 drop that has the potential to fill your board, is good: it only depends on what cards to ress.
Even if they all have good stats, it’s still a good play

:open_mouth: finish quest, finish ctun, polkelt hero power :open_mouth:

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Well… RIP 3,600 dust on C’THUN. Hopefully my bundle with the free golden or 5 golden packs nabs it.

Wait… Can you get Cthun from Bandersmosh???

Everything looks awesome except yogg

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