New Old God Legendaries

Here are the four new Old God Legendaries that they announced in the reveal stream today:

C’Thun breaks into four 5-mana pieces:

And here’s Yogg’s Wheel:


C’thun is definetly my favourite: 4 quite good cards in the deck (control tools) and a final huge reward?
Good! I just hope to survive past turn 7

I also noticed that with “tortollan piligrim”, mage can get to ctun pretty quickly. Control mage?


Really excited for 3 of them. In the other hand N’zonth is underwhelming… Maybe a 5/7 body that summons a big dragon is enough? I really dont see it making the cut, isnt either good or fun in my opinion.

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c’thun will definitely revive control decks


Yogg is another oh no last effort card, where most of the effects should help u when you are behind. Five percent pyro blast chance is pretty bad and will cause a lot of salt when you loose to it! But will definitely see play!

If corrupted cards are good, y’shar seems pretty nutty and have a time imagine that won’t be a stable card in any deck that use tii hi ode cards!

No idea if nzoth is strong enough, guessing someone will find a broken deck to abuse it and shuttle in more nzoth in the deck… already hating that!

C’thun seems terrible! Shuffle in 4 bad cards in your deck and pay a premium to cast them, all for a chance to later draw a good card ie not a game ending card. Doubt that will see any play!


its the perfect cards for control, all the effects helps with their gameplan including giving you more cards in your deck for fatigue. issue control decks have had during the last year is the lack of a win condition


To me, the only bad card is “eye of ctun”; the others are pretty good (5 mana 6/6 taunt isn’t strong but isn’t weak either).

Let’s see what they are going to release: maybe new “amalgam” type minions?

All of those cards are way overcosted and first has to be drawn and then you have to draw the c’thun aswell. Aggro deck will eat such a slow deck for breakfast… I think:)


my favorite control deck of all time is elise control warrior. the deck was literally aggro hate and elise, because elise gave you your late game win condition. similarly cthun will now, rin is another similar card that really benefited control back in the day where most of the generated cards were “overcosted”:
Legendary · Minion · Kobolds and Catacombs · Taunt Deathrattle: Add

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Yeah Amalgams make sense in this expansion. Maybe some new awesome mechs, because it is a theme park… so there can be animatronics.

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And if ctun cards were undercosted, it would have been another broken “start of the game” effect.
Better to keep ctun as a slow card, rather than a “i put it in any deck because ctun pieces are really strong”


N’Zoth could potentially work pretty well in some sort of Big deck. If you could reliably resummon say three or more minions of different types, that Battlecry could be pretty strong. For example, a big Dragon, a big Elemental like Scrapyard Colossus, and then DH and Warlock could go for a big Demon, Hunter or Druid have access to big beasts, etc.

The reason control decks don’t exist now is because they get overrun by value decks that generate an endless stream of “created by” cards. That card generation isn’t going anywhere, and C’thun is really slow. C’thun may be able to provide a win condition for control, but it doesn’t do anything to address the achiles heel the archetype is already suffering from, and it also doesn’t kill through a board filled with minions. There’s no way to gauge how effective it’ll be until we see it firsthand.


The more i think about it, the more it makes sense. A big Dragon plus a big elemental (or robot or demon or beast) plus any other small stuff, might be worthy as a final pressure play.

the closest thing to a win con that control decks have atm is galakrond (priest) which isnt relible enough to create a gameplan around. warrior have more than enough removal to play control, but without dr boom mad genious they dont have any late game so there is no reason to play it over bomb versions

Thinking about C’Thun:

Rogue might be a good class to try it with, since you could use Stowaway to draw the pieces.

Another option would be to use Polkelt to help draw them. In Rogue again, you might put C’Thun into something like the current Galakrond deck: use Polkelt to reorder your deck, then use your upgraded Galakrond to draw at least most of the pieces at a decent discount.


Cthun seems like a solid control card. If you are control you’re looking to keep the board clear as much as possible so 30 damage will mostly be 30 face damage. It worked as a finisher in whispers when the battlecry was smaller so I suspect it’ll do well here.

Yogg is simultaneously one of the best and worst designed cards ever. 95% of the time it is a fantastic catchup card but 5% of the time it is random coin flip to win the game and that is going to feel awful to lose to. Obviously goes into random BS mage and mountseller druid since those easily cast 10 spells by 10 mana.

Ysharj is impossible to judge right now but corrupted cards look awkward to play and will probably only really be useful in control decks if there’s not some really cheap ones that get very aggressively stated lines when played something like:
1 mana 1/2 that turns into a 4/4 when corrupted. That said aggro is already in a great place so if it can’t use one of the central mechanics of the set it’s really NBD. Too early to judge this one

Nzoth looks really hard to get value out of. You really need to build your deck to use him which could be quite awkward. Rogue might if they steal some stuff from other classes same with priest. Paladin can do something like murgur + dragon + lake thresher and get 3 minions off it which could be good.

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New N’zoth is just as breakable is not more than the old N’zoth. You can go with 1 of the types as curve filler and then use the other types to engineer the boards you want to ressurect. So 1 meh semi random minion with 5 planned minions. Compared to old N’zoth that gets all random Deathrattles and could low roll is too many are in the pool.

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Yogg going get nerf just watch 5% or not there going be problems and hate for Mages (and druids) will return

(mostly because this can and will snowball to a Nuclear point)

Note that to maximize the value of your corrupted card, you need to play a 1 mana card to upgrade them. So I think it would be used just to fill the hand, rather than play this and some 0 mana cards (unless you really need them).
We have to see corrupted cards obviously before we can have a 360° view of the card