New Neutral Common: Bone Wraith

Revealed with the Pharaoh Cat but I didn’t see a thread for it.

Meh. Not as good as SCG.


Well… yeah, there’s that 2/5 Taunt with Reborn we’ve seen with quest. Kinda comparable to Sludge Belcher: 1 mana less for -1 attack and summons a 2/1 instead of 1/2. But 2 attack is kinda low, so it could trade badly.

I’m not sure? It could end up being playable, just not a flashy option. Many people, myself included, believed Proud Defender is going to be a good 4 mana Taunt, yet it was almost never seen in constructed. This can’t get bonus attack, but will likely stop more attacks.


Hunters (Lynx) and Mad Genius (Microbots + rush) can likely ignore the second half of this for almost no tempo loss. Rogues will likely have a dagger ready to take the second half down while Mages and Druids can elect to spend 2 mana to do so.

That said, I’m not completely hating it. It is still a sticky Taunt and unlike Saronite Chain Gang you do have to deal with the bodies seperately instead of nuking them with a single AoE. It is unlikely to replace Sludge Belcher in Wild decks that aren’t specifically Reborn focused due to N’Zoth.

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Don’t see it seeing much play. Four mana has some really strong options attached to it for most classes. And taunts overall hasnt really been highly regarded in the history of Hearthstone. Taunt is litteraly the worst ability in game.

The saving grace might be the Reborn that makes it into two taunts but overall I don’t see that either apart for Zilliax there are very low represenation of taunts in the meta. Mainly because taunts are basiclly vanila units sometimes with weak statlines.

Taunts generated by spells doesnt count since well obviously 4x 7/8 taunts is good to protect your face while you just finish the game but that doesnt happen with taunts you have to pay full mana for.

Sludge Belcher’s smaller cousin.

It definitely has potential if it “wants to take role of powerful former cards”. Any deck weak against Aggro wants to have this.

If there is going to be a “Summon all Reborn minions that died this match” this is going to be played in every Control deck. Would Blizzard print a N’Zoth counterpart for Reborn minions? Probably not… but would be really cool if they did. There are still few (neutral) Legendary spots left.

Card is broken.

Sludge belcher with 1 less attack for 1 whole less mana.

Calling it now, autoinclude for almost any control deck in standard.

Probably a day one auto include in Reborn Paladin.


Here’s our Core Neutral Taunt. Sludge Belcher, Tar Creeper, this guy.

Will see lots of play.

I agree with the this will see some play crowd. Spellbreaker will rise again as well.

One class I can see using this is paladin. Not only does this fulfill quest, paladins can actually make this thing more usable with buffs.

The classic Sword of Justice on turn 3 followed by this on turn 4 would actually be somewhat annoying (provided they don’t break your weapon). They would have to deal with a 3/6 on turn 4 that comes back as a 3/2

Throw in other minions that work with buffs like prelate, recurring villain and paragon of light. Though if you run too many your deck may become too slow.

A 2/5 with a deathrattle of deal 2 damage to a random minion basically.
2/5 body with taunt is worth 3 mana and 2 damage death rattle is about 0.5 mana I think.

Not worth.

I really don’t understand the optimism about it? I realize that it takes 2 hits, but in its worst case it’s easily similar to Stegodon, which is pack-filler level. And mind you, its worst case is acutally when you need it the most - against wide boards with multiple sources of damage.

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I think the 2 attack here kind of kills it. Tar creeper was a 3/5 when taunting and is probably better than this guy could hope to be because of it.

In general I’d run omega defender over this thing. At least that is a 12/6 after turn 10.

It will probably be put into quest pally decks as reborn filler, and it is ok when duplicated with reborn still intact.

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This card seems ok. Unlike Sludge Belcher, this can be healed once it dies providing up to 4/10 worth of stats with taunt.


Yeah the fact it can be healed might make it fit into heal Druid.

Proud Defender is a good Taunt. But what is a Taunt going to do when Conjurer Mage and Control/Bomb Warrior are the favorites? Against other decks it is a decent card.


a 2/6 taunt sort of. Slightly better when your opponent can do 6 in 1 go. I don’t think this is good but with a lack of alternatives maybe. Its probably slightly better then tazdingo.

Same stats than Saronite Chaingang so can’t be too bad.

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I highly doubt it will ever see play in wild

And 1 less health which makes a big difference.