New Neutral Common: Bone Wraith

But you wouldn’t want to pay 1 more mana for 1 more health.

As for the card itself, I’m having trouble deciding how to value it. The fact that it takes two hits to get through is nice, but we also live in a meta where there are lots of little tokens and 1/1 rush goobers running all over the place so getting through the back half isn’t a very difficult task. Plus there’s lots of rogues and mages that can ping off the 2/1 half.

It’s also not particularly threatening stat-wise. Sludge Belcher and Tar Creeper were so strong because they weren’t very easy to kill cleanly on curve. It would often cost you two cards to chop through. A lot of stuff that bumps into this on curve survives.

Still, between the Paladin quest and the warrior theme of taunt-buffing, maybe this can find a home there. Paladin probably has to run it just due to needing enough quality reborn minions to fill out the deck and complete the quest in a timely manner and this can help stall till that happens and once completed it’s not a horrible target of the hero power itself.

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How are people saying this is bad?!

Sludge Belcher for 4 Mana?! Heck Yeah!

Bad Sludge Belcher for one less mana. A 2/1 Taunt is far easier to clear than a 1/2 one, and two power will leave some common aggro minions standing where three generally gets the job done.

On the other hand, this hitting the board a turn earlier does matter.

It will see play, but I doubt that it will slot into midrange the way “Sludge feel funny” did. Part of that is card quality, and part of that is the (combo) character of this meta.

Uh, no, this has 5 health and sludge belcher hs 5 health.

Yes, but the token belcher leaves behind is a 1/2. As has been pointed out, it is a lot easier to deal 1 damage than it is to deal 2.

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And the 2/1 trades off smaller minions easier, and can be healed up.

What’s your point?

It might be reasonable to point out that the reborn minion does not mess up the Rez pool.

In a standard Rez priest, some minion to be played on 4 is desperately needed imo. Especially one with taunt.

The fact that you can full health the reborn minion makes me think that this is very much a priest card.

Really? That’s a pretty big deal, actually.

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I don’t think it does.

So instead of the token 1/2 of belcher you can get the full reborn minion again.

That’s my assumption of how it works.

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Oh you mean not damaged. Yeah. I assume ut works like when Zuljin gives you the generated copy of Unleash the Beast. You get it, but it doesn’t have Twinspell. I imagine rezzing the “token” actually rezzes a plain 2/5 Taunt with no Reborn. You can of course still hit the original copy which would come back with the keyword attached.

The original looks the same though no?

Maybe I have to watch the reveal video more closely. I assumed it was like ‘rush’ where it’s only active the first time, but resummoning it reactivates it. Like crystal stag.

That it’s one more health. Are you being intentionally thick or did you just get caught up arguing?

I think you misunderstood the question :wink:

Sludge was op in its time and if this is close to sludge its going to get played.


Reborn is an inherent keyword, and it follows certain rules much as Divine Shield does.

Since a “reborn” minion technically retains the keyword, merely “popped,” and because the 1 Health renders as damaged, a natural Reborn minion token that is resurrected will have full Health and the Reborn keyword. This is similar to how a natural Divine Shield minion is returned with the “shield” active.