Saw this image on discord, unsure if its real or not.
Priest and Shaman legendary cards.
Looks right. It’s all Naga by appearance!
But I think the priest legendary should be a beast. Just to synergize with the new priest colossal…the best card in the set.
Wow, yet another miniset without any Paladin legendaries. Who saw that coming.
I know right, I won’t be happy til paladins have at least 15-20 legendaries in there decks. They hate that class!!!
The art on the cards doesn’t look like current card art.
And I’m pretty sure that the one with the dark border is an art piece for Neptulon from the WoW TCG:
I’d guess the other ones are from similar sources.
Someone on Discord is going to be peeing their pants with laughter at this troll attempt that has even had a Zeddy video made about it.
They have use the TCG art before. But all of this ones seem a little “uninspired”, kind of bad framed and too similar to each other. Seems fake to me.
They basically only used TCG art in the early sets. Almost everything recent has been original.
The only exceptions were:
Which had to be created at the last minute to allow Stonetusk Boar and Bluegill Warrior to keep their original stats and Charge in Wild.
That looks like Shaman, not Warlock.
Indeed my bad, i changed it.
It is.
A new Neptulon card would be a nice addition to the theme, though. As would Ozumat the Kraken patriarch, Neptulon’s nemesis in Throne of the Tides.
Sadly, Ozumat didn’t make it out of the alpha, but it would nicely fit in the current expansion.
You WOW fanatic, i had to google that lol.
Another priest card in a miniset?
Why, almost everyone and also the devs themselves hate priest, it doesn’t make sense
Why do people still believe this is real after someone showed that all the art came from old physical cards.
What better way to hate on priest than to design synergies of a set around a card that doesn’t get released until halfway through?
I thought it would be related to N’zoth since it is a naga expansion.
You got Kotari Lightblade, what more would you like ?
Aegaeon won the topic, a few replies ago. They identified the cards as being from the physical WoW TCG.
Read. Acknowledge. Thank.