New Mini Set legendary cards Leaked?

… you mean the Naga that sees zero play in Standard???

idk if real or not but i hope for Death Wing be suck into the vortex as a colossal

Could you imagine the outcry from everyone if they gave Priest a Legendary in the miniset? lol

And here’s how you would know it’s fake right away:

It has a 7 cost Priest Legendary minion and 8 cost Shaman minion that would be virtually unplayable because of how bad Priest and Shaman currently are. It would be two dead cards right out of the gates. They want to sell minisets, not scare people away from them.

The miniset will surely have legendary minions for classes that aren’t dumpster tier. I would 100% expect to see a Demon Hunter Legendary and a Hunter Legendary.

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I know…I know. But it’s the truth.


Also if we ignore The Darkmoon Faire mini set (that is not in standard anymore), then the classes that havent got a Legendary card from the mini set are Hunter, Demon Hunter, Paladin and Warlock. I think that two of those should get one now.

For what i know illidan has a story with the Nagas, so DH should get a legendary. And from the other classes I would like Warlocks to get some kind of Old God. So those are my bets, DH and Warlock

Hunter could get a Collosal, but I would prefer any new Collosal to be a neutral minion. And the flavor of Paladin in this expancion doesnt seem to have “legenday potential”.

Well i think it is because paladin is strong atm and does not need any help from the miniset i think personaly the great thing about the miniset is that it can be used to buff weaker classes.

Won’t someone think of the poor Paladins!

He’s not even a Naga.

but DH never got a legendary in a miniset …

I only see Priest legendaries from each miniset lmao