New "Maw and Paw" card needs new name

PLEASE change the name of “Maw and Paw” card that is coming in the Barrens expansion. The card is clearly based on American Gothic, and it is a common misconception that the painting of husband and wife; it is father and daughter. We can argue that it is husband and wife on Azeroth instead our own reality. However, labeling it “Maw and Paw” reinforces that misconception for young players. It’s important to promote art literacy while presenting artwork. Rename options: “Paw and Paulina/Pawlina,” “Paw and Polly/Pollyanna,” “Paw and Patricia/Pawtricia,” etc. If you let me pick: “Paw and Polly” because my ex-mother-in-law is named Polly. I’m still in touch with her, and I think it would be funny to tell her that I got a Hearthstone card named after her. PLEASE. Let’s make this happen.


There’s no way in heck you actually care this much about a reference in an online card game. You say it reinforces a misconception as if it were some huge systemic, political problem. Chill out dude. lol


Artists can take something and reinvent it…with a twist.

You’re art literate right? You’d know that.

Hearthstone is a game filled with puns and references to other art.


Clearly you cared enough about some one else caring to tell them NOT to care.

Excep this isn’t a reinvention, it’s just their take on the ma/pa misconception.

Which is especially egregious, considering southern california (where actiblizz is located) is filled with art museums and schools, and many of their designers WENT to some kind of art school, and had to have learned something about the aforementioned piece.

The issue is a just another instance of perpetuating outright falsehoods about history in an age rife with it. Especially on a subject the people making it should be familiar with.

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Isn’t the misconception the point of this card? One that this card makes fun of and those who get it can have a little laugh?

I’m not american and I don’t know what american gothic is but I know this image because it got referenced and made fun of in cartoons over the years.

It is irrelevant if the people in the picture are father and daugher or husband and wife or 2 complete strangers because the image of 2 people with a pitchfork is a meme.


Hearthstone isn’t even canon with Warcraft, why fighting for it to be canon with reality ? :sweat_smile:


You’re giving this company way too much credit.

They still think thousand needles is capable of holding a rock concert when 90% of it is underwater.

Now, they have Elise not part of the League AFTER the discovery of azerite.

I mean, read a wiki if you can’t even bother to have the people in your own office make a phone call to someone in another department in the building, or type up an email.

Asking questions already answered.


Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were in charge of saying when the topic was closed and when other people are not supposed to give their opinion with their own take on it


I’ll take “things not posted for $5000, Alex.”


The OP makes a fair point. But I don’t think it’s Blizzard trying to perpetuate a common misconception. On the contrary, I think the developer who created this card (along with all of those who worked on it and approved it) are under the same misconception. I do not believe it to be malicious, but rather simple ignorance. That all of these educated people could all be so ignorant about such an important and iconic piece of American fine art is certainly disappointing. I support the OP’s suggesting for a change in the name of the card, and I’ll offer another suggestion: “Daw and Paw”.


Still clever, keeps, the rhyme/pun combo, AND is factually accurate.

The win trifecta!

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Yes. That’s why I said something. lol

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There’s no way in heck you actually care this much about someone caring about a reference in an online card game. You are telling people not to care as if it were some huge systemic, political problem. Chill out dude. lol

There’s no way in heck you actually care this much about someone caring about someone caring about a reference in an online card game.


Except for the fact that I already engaged on the topic. And not just for the “lolz, you care”


Thanks for the bump for the topic though!

And what an entrance :

Except that he also added some constructive comment to the discussion in that same post, whereas SuitupHewgz offered nothing but an unproductive complaint about another poster. Your initial comment, on the other hand, about a lack of strict adherance to Warcraft lore is a relevant contribution to the conversation. Then it devolved into you and Boba bickering, which really doesn’t move the needle on the actual topic of the thread; it merely clouds it with noise. (And yes, I am aware that this post might be further clouding the issue, but hopefully it discourages further bickering and encourages more topical offerings).

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God, people on the internet are insufferable. This is why I take breaks from the forum. lol

I Feel like they’d definitely reference it in some flavor text when you view the card in the collection. Something like “Contrary to popular belief, They’re actually father and daughter! People just call them Maw and Paw!”


One could only hope.