New Mage Spell: Conjurer's Calling

3 mana - rare - Conjurer’s Calling
Twin Spell.

Destroy a minion.
Summon two minions of the same mana cost to replace it.

”He’s conjurin’!”

Not gonna lie, no idea about this one. I like the continued support for mage minion oriented decks, but I honestly got no idea.

But hey, isn’t this a great card to experiment with Giants in Mage? Most giants can only “evolve” into themselves.

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Play Meteorologist for the sweet battlecry then this on turn nine for a pair of 6-drops, or play it on curve and if they don’t bother to clear the pitiful 3/3, summon FOUR 6-drops with Khadgar.

Same with Arcanologist.

Summoner Mage intensifies

Based on the rules Blizz has laid out regarding cost/summons, you could hit something with your Mountain Giant, then essentially clone it with fresh copies.


This one seems like fuel for Khadgar.


Twinspell ads power, I think this might see play if this whole conjuring idea works well enough. Kind of Evolve Shaman-ish.

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I wonder how this would work with the 1/1 copies that Dollmaster Dorian summons. Since mage has access to a lot of card draw, you could probably pull off some shenanigans by combo-ing Dorian with a draw mechanic (e.g. Research Project) and then hitting (one of) the doll(s) summoned to produce two much bigger minions. (Dorian + Research Project + Conjurer’s Calling = 10 mana.)

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You’d get non-1/1 fresh summoned monsters. Good combo…


You want to copy Khadgar back to your hand/deck for more swing turns. How easy is that to do?

Without that I don’t see Mage RNG summon fiesta bowl being anything other than a Disguised Toast highlights meme deck.

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This card is sweet!!!

At its worst It’s a carnivorous cube that auto triggers for your giants that can be used twice.

At its best, it can turn strong battlecry minions or near death/shrink rayed ones into fresh bodies. Khadgar combos are obscene on any target on your board of 5+ mana, and it can clear out highly dangerous buffs /effect minions of your opponents in a pinch.

I like this thing a lot.


I frankly have no clue if this is going to be good, but I love it already.

This also could work as a removal.

If that opponent has a buffed prelate then hitting it with this would be good

It would also be hilarious to watch a Rogue work up a 10/10 Edwin only to turn it into a pair of 3-drops.

RNG aside, I believe that Mage in RoS will really reward clever play, especially with the amount of draw/cycle and spell generation, proper hand size management while still getting the most value out of each play will absolutely be a thing.

Reminds me of playing Arcane Mage back in the day in WoW and properly managing your charges, burn and evocation cycles.

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This card is bonkers and will see a lot of abuse. Tempo mage can use this for swarming the early board and to clear big fat taunts if absolutely necessary. The fact that it’s a twin spell makes it generate quite a bit of value.

Sadly, no transform effect. Destroy and summon, prelate goes back into the deck ready to be the same threat again with his new two 2 mana buddies.

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No idea? Maybe I’m freaking out a bit, but that’s kinda a Cube + activator for 3 mana, and a freaking Twinspell to boot. We all know what you do with Cubes, right?

I know that it’s not actually a cube, but still a good thing. You can run very understatted Battlecries or whatever. Bonk someone on the noggin with Leeroy, then get 2 other 6-drops instead of him. If you generate or play Cairne, he’s a perfect target too.


Drop the 10 mana dragon…discover a spell…cast this for free on the 10 mana dragon😨


Deathrattles that summon big minions or have other large effects would make great targets too. Mechanical Whelp, for example, plus this gives you a 7/7 and two random 6-drops.


Notably whelps are 6-drops themselves, so if you summon another Whelp by random chance, you threaten to cast the Twinspell copy on it.


One thing that I had not thought about before…

Paired with a polymorph, this card is BY FAR the best rez pool dilution card that exists in the game. You’ll make up to 5x 1 cost minions hit their grave that are likely all unique to also largely weaken the greater diamond spellstone.

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