New Mage Spell: Conjurer's Calling

As well as a Mecha’thun counter, haha.

Why wouldn’t you just Polymorph Mecha’thun?


Damn it… yeah, that probably would be better!

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I like any card that has more than one way to use it.

This adds some much needed spice into mage as a class. 5/5 design, flexible, and opens some interesting build options, on top of making Khadgar seem like a very decent card.


This card is insanely good. Will see a lot of play for sure. And it’s a Twinspell on top of the crazy effect. So if you summon a deathrattle with the 1st one you can get even more value with the second one.

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Good card, but not good enough to compete with other classes.

If Jaina DK was still in the game then Mage might have a chance.

Yeah… but we still have mountain giant, which can fairly reliably hit the board by turn 4, then if it lives (not super uncommon) you can use this to double it on 5. And then double it again on 6.

We are getting pretty close to a very strong hand mage shell, as astromancer is also a prime target for this spell. The only thing it seems to be missing is some control tools, but I dont doubt that mage will get those eventually.


I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t buy how powerful this is yet. We haven’t seen the rest of the commons. They may have a bunch of other 5 mana 1/1 summon a 5/5 type cards which are theoretically good to hit with this but terrible to randomly pull out.

It just seems another card that has the potential to be completely abusive or completely useless depending on the highroll and I really think we’ve had enough of that.

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my thoughts exactly: mage in this expansion is too RNG driven -we already had that on shaman before, not all that good

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Once minions are on the battlefield, their Costs are treated as the normal Cost for their card. This applies to Giants, discounted minions, and other 1/1 things. So if you have Dorian on the battlefield and you draw a 5 Cost minion, even though the minion on the board is 1/1, the Cost for that minion is 5. If you cast Conjurer’s Calling on the 1/1 minion, you’d end up with two normal sized 5 Cost minions.


Summoner Mage is going to be so friggin’ sweet.

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A Dorian summon sounds really optimistic since you’d need Dorian to survive and draw and have that be a minion, but perhaps a Jeppetto Joybuzz deck could pull this off.

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You’d need 10 mana, but Dorian > Book of Spectres/Research Project > Conjuror’s Calling can pull it off.

You’re working awfully hard and waiting a long time to get that effect.

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Its cube without the cube body. My gut says its bad but my brain says watch out could be nuts

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cards to OP for a mage to get it 8 to 10 times in one game. HS always fracks up on the balance.

lol. Hyperbole much?

The Mage’d need to discover 2-3 extra copies before it could cast it that often in a game.


Hah, what a nice little bump/necro.

Alright, show of hands, who called this one right, who called it “niche”, and who called it wrong?

I was definitely in the “wrong” camp. Was skeptical about minion mage, Mountain Giant didn’t feel like a reliable Mage fit, and Book of Specters didn’t even occur to me. Thought it’d be a meme at best.

Its carn cubes power on a card for three cost and usable twice. Turns out its semi bonkers and carries the mage summon deck whenever u leave up a minion.

I was definitely on the right track when evaluating this one. I wasn’t sure if a slow mage deck would function in the upcomming meta, but i was almost positive this card would be a part of it.