Looks like Mage’s mercenary might focus on Frost magic.
That’s a chilling thought…
I’m kinda loving the new Rank system, I hope it’s something that stays on from this expansion.
Control mage support for a Mordred Fire Eye deck?
Also seems good for Mozaki decks, if the archetype survives in any way.
Personally, I’m not particularly wowed by this.
The general problem of ranked spells is that they scale opposite of the pace of the game.
They gain tempo as the game goes longer. While the pace of the game dictates that tempo is stronger in the early game and gives way to value as the game progresses.
That said, 0 mana cards will always be scary. Even in late game, freezing the enemy bombs while you develop your own, can be game winning. That’s something that only 0 cost can usually accomplish.
Can use with Mozaki, whether it’s to try to recreate OTK or just to buff it up for 0 mana. Could even be greedy and play Mozaki + this now so you have full mana bar to go off next turn.
As said above, use it to screw with enemy bombs while playing your own. Turn 10+ it’s almost like cascading disaster allowing the lock’s otherwise low amount of threats to win simply because the other side’s minions can’t retaliate (cuz they ded/frozen)
0 cost trigger for any spells that require target to be frozen first (e.g glacial racer)
0 mana spell trigger for the couple combo duel class cards
0 mana trigger for spellburst
It doesn’t do any damage itself, but the utilities are endless
I’m trying to look at the brightside here:
It’s cheap freeze.
It’s cheap removal with Snap Freeze.
It’s cheap damage with Glacier Racer.
it’s a 0 mana spell for Mozaki.
It’s a 0 mana play that takes options away from your opponents.
The cons:
It’s random. It will be pretty hard to hit anything specifically unless you’re fighting Decks like Dimensional Ripper warrior, that play incredibly big singular threats in late game.
Cone of cold is now cheaper, freezes the same amout of minions and scales with Spellpower.
Although it’s a 0 mana play, it does nothing but maybe stop the board for a turn. You topdeck this in the endgame and it’s maybe usable, maybe buys you a turn.
I wish blizz would quit designing 0 cost cards.
It’s really good with Malygos. You draw your spells and freeze most if not all of their board the same turn.
without sorc I really don’t see how that deck will function. Unless they print more zero-cost spells or give mage another way to discount spells.
Its a slap in the face for Mage and takes up a valuable spot in your deck. Unless there is a spell that can advance RANKED cards to their maximum value, this card floats into the either of nothingness.
Thus far the cards being release are rejected cards from previous sets. There’s little cohesion. Lets give positive statements to BLZ to pick them up and develop quality cards like in Dark Moon.
I think BLZ is a great company that everyone likes
Wait for future revision: Fluffy
This is a randomly targeted Freezing Potion that can’t freeze face. That grows into two and then three randomly targeted Freezing Potions in one.
Not all that impressive. I wish that at least the first Freeze were targetable. Or that this started at two targets and went up from there to three and four.
On the positive side, this makes Glacier Racer and Snap Freeze seem not quite so unsupported.
In the introductory blog for FitB, they said that there were two spells each from Frost, Fire and Arcane. So, it may be more likely, at least this early on, that they’ll have the Mage mercenary using a variety of different schools, since that’s a bit closer to how low-level Mages worked in Classic WoW.
Also, when the Mage mercenary appears in the FitB trailer, they use Blink to get around a centaur, if that’s an indiction of what they’re going to do and not just a random bit of “How do we make this look like a Mage?”.
Man, I really hope so.
Very underwhelming card… if it at least froze face with a random minion…
I don’t have the knowledge that others do but this seems really mediocre.
For 0 mana the effect is fine though.
0 mana, sure. A slot in the deck and a card drawn? Debatable.
It could be a good turn 6 Keywarden Ivory > Resizing Pouch choice
There will always be cards better off being generated than being slotted into a deck, this falls into that category IMO.