New Mage Rare: Flurry

Same. Random minion is just so weak. Yeah it upgrades but meh. Not thrilled by it.

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Totally broken. This will get nerfed soon. This will also boost Mozaki OTK which is already tier 1.

0 mana spells are quite useful with Spellburst. This triggers Glacial Racer, Firebrand, etc. Being able to use Flurry to pick off Rogue stealth minions looks pretty good in the current meta.

I’m going to say that I’m an early believer in tempo Freeze mage: Flurry, Brain Freeze, Snap Freeze, Glacial Racer, Frozen Shadowweaver, Firebrand as your core; maybe Water Elemental.

Mozaki is losing sorcerer’s apprentice, arcane missiles, and frost bolt. without insane support in FitB it’s dead and no number of zero mana spells can save it.


It COULD become more of a utility card for spell damage decks (which I think is what it was always intended to be) but honestly I think if you want that you just run Aegwynn.

I think this card will be run if you’re running other freeze synergy cards. It’s not bad, certainly better than Freezing Potion since it scales into the mid-late game.

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This is 0 mana freeze 2 most of the time. Probably not good enough with Blizzard and Frost Nova Rotating even with the buff to Cone of Cold.

So the interesting thing is Flurry (the streamer) revealed this card.

With Ray of Frost rotating out, we need some cheap Freeze once again. The random targeting might end up hurting this card, but a lot of small minion spam with Lackeys is gone from Standard.

I actually got happy and thought this was for Shaman but then realised it had a light blue color. End my suffering.

Looks like a great card if your trying to Dump Cards from a Mass Generation Hand, like Evocation or Mana Cyclone(rotating).

Probably too low value to hard run.

5/5 Power, Generated, because 0 Mana

A very good card to be included in the OTK Mozaki deck.

I’d rather pay 3 mana to have all my opponent’s minions frozen and the ability to do so starting from 3 total mana already.

I’d say that’s pretty much the reason that card is being rotated to wild.

They have biscuits, they don’t need Apprentice anymore. Also, they will find other spells that cause damage, like fireball, pyroblast, etc. The Hearthstone future is endarkened by mages.

That’s not How any of this works my dude. Even If 4 extra mana for biscuits garanteed lethal, It would still mean they need to find 2 specific cards and a legendary and waste 4 mana.

Unless there’s an Apprentice like effect, there’s no Mozaki on the Horizon, which, by the way, is sure not tier 1, it’s tier 4 from d5 to top 1k legend

Seems like a good card specifically in a gadgetzan deck because you want to play a bunch of low mana cost garbage.

its utility is to make Ras more threatening. Blizz obviously wants to to steer the focus of matches more towards battling for the board, and less OTK. There won’t be support for an OTK style Mozaki going forward. It’s gonna be an on-curve threat now. YOu play mozaki or Raz on curve with this, which helps protect them - but your opponent still gets a turn to react before you get a chance to obliterate them on 6 with biscuits and fireballs, or spell damage buff minions + a board wipe from Ras

Nah, it’s the dark future that calls for the Ice Queen:

They don’t have pyroblast, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a cheaper burn spell than Fireball (that’s less efficient than Frostbolt) in the Barrens set. Something like Molten Blast.

Fluffy: 0 mana Druid Card

Rank 1: Give a minion 1+1
Rank 2: Give a minion 2+2
Rank 3: Give a minion 3+3


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well it costs zero so thats a good thing at least.