New Mage Miniset Cards

Are you a non-native English speaker?

Or is there some other reason you just don’t get how weird it is to use the present perfect when there is a phrase that specifically defines the time in question?

Also, why are you so eager to shoot down a query that simply asks whether a slightly different version was altered at the last minute to another similar (but slightly less flexible) version of the text?

My original suggestion was really a very small question…

I just disagree with you that the card was ever anything but a combination of the Naga & Elemental tribal effects because that’s so clearly the direction of the card’s art and tribe.

You’re being so hostile for literally no reason.

My comment on the Naga tribe not caring about Naga wasn’t even really in response to you, just me thinking aloud about how weird the Naga tribe’s mechanic is in general.

If the text were “If you cast a spell last turn…”, I would agree with you.

That’s idiomatic English, and it matches previous text on Elementals like Marshspawn and Shattered Rumbler (along with the Shaman spell Torrent).

It’s the weird mash-up of Naga–style “If you’ve cast…” with the Elemental–style “If you cast … last turn…” that prompted my query in the first place.

I’m not trying to be hostile. If anything you’re the one being hostile in trying to just hand-wave this aside minor query.

I’m simply wondering whether this originally had a more Naga–style “If you’ve cast a spell while holding this…” text that got changed at the last moment.

There’s not a huge difference between the two balance-wise. (Both versions would be essentially mediocre filler cards.)

Why is it so important to you that it’s just them being lazy about language?

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I love the 3 drop i am putting this in my mage decks nice way to clear boards and stabalize.

Its not important to me i just disagree with you. Disagreeing with you is not being hostile. Chill. Out.

The card might have been “if you played an elemental while this is in your hand”. But thats barely finctionally different from the normal elemental effect.

I’m not talking about the effect itself, which is what you seem to think. The effect itself makes sense.

I’m talking about the phrasing used to express it.

This card has almost the exact same effect, except it discovers a spell instead of an Elemental:

Common · Minion · Ashes of Outland · Battlecry: If you cast a spell last turn, Discover a spell.

Why doesn’t Whirlweaver use the same phrasing for its text? Why does it use a more awkward, non-idiomatic version instead?

That’s not the sort of thing that tends to happen with HS card text for straightforward effects that have been done before.

What that suggests to me is that there was some last minute change where they shifted the text but didn’t fully re-edit it.

All I’m trying to ask is what might have happened there.

I feel like this is the dumbest hill to die on. Who cares what the card text is as long as it’s clear what it does? It’s a childrens’ card game…

I’m just saying that the sloppy editing of the card text suggests that the current version was a last minute creation.

Either Whirlweaver used to do something different during design, or she was thrown together last minute to replace a different card.

So, it’s not important for what the card actually does.

It is interesting, however, as a possible indicator of how they designed this set.

So, “Tear Reality” means a spell that was rotated out / teared down and one sheds a tear for it?

I think tear reality just means tear as in shred or unravel. Kind of shifting reality into another one, like warping dimensions into another one pulling spells from the past. Or like timewarping.

I enjoyed this vid, thanks :slight_smile:

In part it can be because of the actual state of the meta.

It’s very easy to break mage into something that will need a nerf in the current situation.

That and the fact that it’s already gonna run into a revolution regarding deckbuilding due to the entire multi tribal thing is really troublesome already.

People aren’t believing how big of a “mistake” Mistake can be in the sense of destroy hearthstone as we know.

That because we did reach a critical mass of amalgam minions in both formats.

For wild it will 100% cause patches to be nerf again because they now can put 6 Pirates in any non Odd/Even deck without lose synergy.

In standard it will for sure atleast make 2/3 New decks born.

It’s more impactfull than most people give credit.