New Mage Miniset Cards

Rare · Minion · March of the Lich King · After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to all enemy minions.

Rare · Minion · March of the Lich King · Battlecry: If you

Common · Spell · March of the Lich King · Add 2 random Mage spells from the past to your hand. They cost (2) less.

Spell looks toki level meme, but the minions look really solid.

The elementals you probably want from Whirlweaver are Snowflurry, Prismatic, or maybe even Arcane Lumiance it you are playing with Frozen Touches.


I can’t wait to tear reality. I never got to play with Toki when she was in standard

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Spectral Trainee could be a good board wipe with cheap spells. I feel like this would be more playable as a 2 mana 1/3 though.

Whirlweaver gives Mage another Naga, but I don’t know if the Elemental Discover is all that relevant. There are the Casino Mage Elementals, but I doubt you run this card just for the chance of discovering more of them.

Tear Reality looks like a fun card that can slot into Casino Mage. Will it be any good? No clue. Will it tilt a new player who finds out what a 1 mana Ice Block in Standard looks like? Absolutely.


More Casino. Can’t wait to Tear Reality into Deck of Wonder and Deck of Lunacy to shuffle in 5 random 8 mana spells that cost 5 for the ultimate casino experience.


and its arcane so is another use for the legendary besides doubling damage to face !

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All good options.

A couple others:

  • Vexallus can be good if you have the spells to accompany him.
  • Amalgam of the Deep is great if you’re running Whirlweaver in a Naga list.
  • Lokholar and Neptulon are decent choices if you need an additional late game threat.
  • Submerged Spacerock is okay for a little additional card generation. Not a top choice but a decent fallback.

Yeah, meme to awful cards. Do we even have to mention how awful the mage spells tended to be because “Mage has strong core spells”? Not to mention the best ones usually required specific combos that may not be present these days.

The other 2, I don’t think I have to add anything. They seem to be outshined by previous cards with similar effects, only difference being that they were less conditional.

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Well; I don’t like admitting it, but I’m already wondering if I can fit trainee into secret mage.

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I feel like either Arcane Flakmage or Chatty bartender are better for secret mage


yeah they are. I doubt I will use any mage cards from this .

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Tear reality into yogg box into rommath…

Oh. I wish rommath was playable.

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Spectral Trainee looks strong.

Probably only good in Small Casino Mage or other Small Spell Decks.

5/5 Star Power.

Whirl Weaver seems like it would need to go in an Elemental Synergy deck to ever be worth it. Like Lifesteal to all Elementals from as Frost Lich Jaina once gave or Spitelash Siren or something.

3/5 Star Power, Elemental Synergy Deck only.

Tear Reality looks Super Annoying.

  • 0 Mana Devolving Missles
  • 2 Mana Polymorph
  • 1 Mana Polymoprh: Boar.
  • Tons of 1 Mana Secrets to clog screen like Potion of Polymoprh.
  • 8 Mana Puzzlebox of Yogg-Saron
  • 3 Mana Deck of Wonders.

I think it’s a buff to Rune of the Archmage until rotation because Rune already clears minions easily enough that this 4 mana will be a better roll than average.

5/5 off of Rune of the Archmage or Hard-Run in Casino Mage.

7/5 Annoying.

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Memes aside Tear Reality will probably be playable because it gives the 2 mana discount. While mage spell do have some crap in their pool paying 2 less mana makes a lot of that crap pretty decent. The notable complete garbage hit is Glacial Mysterious. Everything else isn’t too bad with a 2 mana discount as most of the other complete crap hits would be 0 mana and even complete crap can do something when its 0 mana.

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These dont look great but the 1/4 is interesting and could be good. You go face with your spells and then this can clear the board while doing so.

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I like the 1/4. Wild pyromancer without the negatives!!

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No. Don’t do that lol it’s terrible for secret mage


Let’s be honest:

Tear Reality looks fun.
Tear Reality will whiff more than it doesn’t.
Thus, Tear Reality will likely be very mediocre.

And every single Mage and their Mage mothers will be playing Tear Reality because this is exactly what Mage style players love CASINO CASINO CASINO: They’ll play 100 games with this card just to get Iceblock in standard and go :sunglasses: and forget every time Tear Reality gave them Glacial Mysteries.

And someone on these boards will complain because Tear Reality was cast off Rune of the Archmage which gave the Mage Puzzlebox of Yogg-Saron which in turn did some Casino BS.

I can totally see Tear Reality giving the Mage Deck of Wonders and those Deck of Wonders casting Rune of the Archmage. Thank goodness Rune rotates…until someone plays Tear Reality and it gives them Rune of the Archmage :rofl:


Yeah, I could kinda see that Tear is just another slot machine card.


dont worry about getting glacial mysteries

we have energy shaper to try again after a bad roll!

tear reality will be so fun to play with

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And then Glacial Mysteries turns into Iceblood Tower. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: