New Mage Miniset Cards

it uses current cost so it cant turn into iceblood tower

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ah, you’re right. So it turns into Grand Finale


I’m wondering whether there was a change to Whirlweaver’s activation condition at some point during final balancing because the wording of her conditional is weird.

If she followed the typical Elemental wording, it should be “If you cast a spell last turn…” rather than the present perfect “If you’ve cast a spell last turn…”. See Marshspawn and Shattered Rumbler for an exact match, or any Elemental that cares about Elementals being played for the parallel “If you played an Elemental last turn…”.

Instead, she uses the present perfect which seems to mirror the Naga spell conditions “If you’ve cast a spell while holding this…” or If you’ve cast three spells while holding this…".

Was she originally using the Naga condition “If you’ve cast a spell while holding this…” but was changed for some reason while only receiving a partial rewrite on her text?

If she had the Naga-style condition, it would both give a stronger flavor impact from both sides of her dual type classification and make her slightly stronger with a typically easier condition to meet.

Since it seems she’s more of a 30th card than a staple, the slightly stronger and more flavorful Naga-style condition might have been nice to use for her battlecry.


Isn’t a mix of the two because she’s a dual minion? So spell while holding + elemental last turn = spell last turn. ?

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I remember arguing with you about whether Grand Finale was good when it was revealed. I believe you said it was one of the strongest cards in the DMF set.

And now it’s an example of a bad random generation. Haha.


But there are a couple of elementals that already care about casting spells last turn: Shaman’s Marshspawn and Shattered Rumbler.

Last turn is the Elemental thing.

Spells are the Naga thing.

So, yes, it could already be a mix, but generating an Elemental also seems like a nod to the Elemental side.

My main point was mostly that she seems to mix the Naga wording with the Elemental wording for no good reason at all, especially since the present perfect sounds a bit silly for an Elemental-style “last turn” condition. Mostly wondering whether that’s an artifact of a small change to her in the balance process.

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lol you are right…man that card looked good. What a disappointment.


at least i havent seen any 9 mana rolls being announced so far

seems energy shaper will remain with front lines being the only bad roll for 7 mana spells and ill be able to keep playing scourge or rune for 7 mana!


Until rotation…Gonna lose Rune in about 2 months…then they’ll rotate the really good stuff in.

Like Glacial Mysteries!

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Now I’m wondering… if a spell is both a card from wild but also part of core, will it show up?

The core version doesn’t count as a wild card (if you look at it in the in-game library, it shows up as part of core set and doesn’t have the card graphic of a wild card)

From the in-game library, if I search for a card name, even when I select wild, the core version shows up. I have to specify the specific expansion for the wild version.

This could just be the card library, or would such logic also be present during a match, which could mean they could mess with the pool by changing what’s in core next rotation.


I would imagine they remove the duplicate. I’m sure someone would complain that they played the spell and it gave them a copy of what they already have in their deck or could have gotten otherwise. Plus, that would take away from the fun of the card.

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I know Orion can or used to be able to cast core counterspell if the legacy version is triggered in wild. It seems like it’s a bug but it’s been happening for a while

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They’re being cute and combining tribe mechanics onto dual-tribe cards. The mech/dragon uses the dragon condition but it applies to mechs. I know “cast a spell last turn” thing was a mechanic at one point (not really an elemental mechanic, just some elementals had it), but in this case it’s definitely meant to apply to the Naga half of the card.

It’s just because Naga’s class mechanic doesn’t apply to Naga. The “cast a spell while holding” this has nothing to do with the Naga tribe, they just all happen to have it. Naga spells care about the Naga tribe (Gift of Azshara, Serpent Wig, etc. etc. etc.) but they printed so few of those and only a couple are good. Siren cared about it too I guess.

And they’re not adding any more in this miniset. It’s a shame, I was expecting more.

Though Naga will probably make a comeback at some point anyway.

Probably. The card exists in wild. But I think ultimately it could go either way.


Let’s be serious about this miniset.

Arcane Bolt is really all mage needs anyway BUT:

We probably got a structure to stop running aggro decks as full freeze decks thanks to the new cards.

It’s ant climatic but i can see myself running different flavor of aggro mage that will last over rotation thanks to new cards.

Actually, no.

That is literally what they announced as the signature mechanic for the Naga tribe.

From the original Sunken City announcement:

The Naga are a spell-focused minion type that tend to give bonuses for playing spells while the Naga are in your hand.


The vengeful Naga are Hearthstone’s newest minion type. Naga are drawn to magic and tend to have stronger effects if you cast spells while they watch from your hand.


I know it’s their signature ability, I’m saying their signature ability is not based on there being a Naga tribe. If they weren’t labelled as “Naga” the cards wouldn’t change that much.

i.e. Dragon’s signature ability involves having dragons in your hand, Murlocs buff other Murlocs, Elementals care about whether you played an elemental last turn or not; Naga just need spells and don’t care about what other Naga are.

Congratulations on totally missing the point.

Elementals care about whether something happened on your last turn.

Naga care about whether spells were played while they were in hand.

Whirlweaver seems to lean completely into the Elemental half of her type designation — she cares about last turn; she discovers an Elemental — and only slightly acknowledges her Naga affliliation in the fact that she cares about whether a spell was cast (which other Elementals already do).

But more importantly, she uses the grammatical construction that the Naga signature text uses, despite the fact that it makes no sense to use that tense for the Elemental condition she actually has.

I’m simply wondering whether she was originally designed to have the Naga–style text “If you’ve cast a spell while holding this…” instead of the Elemental–style text “If you cast a spell last turn…”

This seems like a reasonable query since her current text is a non-idiomatic mash up of the two options.

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I am not missing the point. She is combining the two mechanics by using the elemental-type “played a card last turn” but caring about spells like a Naga. That’s it, the wording /tense is probably just an error.

I think that, because this is the same as the Mech/Dragon who has the dragon mechanic (have a type of minion in hand), but cares about mechs like a mech card.

So in short: I doubt it, I think they’re just awkwardly combining the mechanics.

I wonder if there’s one more dual tribe minion that does this.

Druid has Beasts & Naga maybe, or Naga & Undead or Undead & Beasts, Warlock has Demons & Undead potentially. But Beasts & Demons don’t really have a mechanic and the undead mechanic doesn’t translate well. Rogue has Pirates & Undead. But Pirates don’t have a mechanic either, they mostly care about weapons.

Maybe Undead/Demon “If a demon died since your last turn”? Or an undead that cares about weapons.

They care about getting text boxes right more than you seem to believe.

Try watching some of the “So You Think You Know Hearthstone” interviews that Rarran did with HS designers over the past year or so. The one with Celestalon is particularly good about showing how closely they think about the text boxes on cards:

Overall, they don’t seem think about text in the ways that those who want them to be absolutely consistent want them to be, but they are very careful about what does go on cards.

If something really weird and non-idiomatic or non-logical shows up, something more probably was going on.

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I really, really think you’re drastically overthinking them combining two tribal effects on a dual-tribe card.