Will make it easy for players to get the “Do You Wanna Build A Snowtroll” achievement.
Whats the point of this card its 10 mana and hearthstone its another %$^ you mages team 5 and blizzard cater to aggro you not going to get to 10 mana with other classes playing a billion cards turn 3 and shenanigans killing you am i wrong
We don’t know how the meta will turn out with the rotation or the tools mage has to get there, so let’s say youre wrong until further proof
That sounds like: “guilty until proven innocent”.
This is like a reverse Old School Malygos. Instead of spamming a bunch of small spell with +5 spell damage you are spamming Big spell with massive mana discounts. 2x Pyroblast 2x Fireball after a Dj Manastorm would cost 6 mana and deal 32 damage. Depending on what’s in you can probably even do better than that. You can even fit in a Solid Alibi on the turn you play DJ Manastorm. That would make the 32 damage combo 10 mana when you go off instead of 6.
There is a way to win with this. Only thing left is living long enough to get there and we have seen it happen all the time throughout the games history. It even happened not too long ago with the Nathria meta where Denathrius was everywhere.
that sounds impossibly slow if there is no way to manastorm early.
In the existing meta I cannot see it being even usable.
Maybe there are cards yet to come?
Day 1 golden craft for me, as with all other mage Lego’s lol
It only affects the cards already in your hand. If you have Part 2 it becomes 0 but the part 3 it creates will still be 9. You’d have to have a snowman in play, snow brute and ogre in hand, play DJ, and have your snowman survive yet another turn.
Rommath is much better for the achievement. Especially if you can discover snowman. I got it on accident while hunting the Rommath achievement.
I’ve tried this a bunch of times on purpose but I always end up killing one of the snow creatures with some other random spell, or at least once my opponent conceded before my turn ended