New Mage Legend - Malygos, Aspect of Magic


Are there only 3 choices?

Personally I hope so. It seems balanced enough to not need RNG.

They way they were talking about it on stage, those are just some of the options.

Me likey. Me likey a lot.


Im not feeling it. The stat distribution seems off. The battlecry is super good though…almost zeph like. Discover lethal, choice removal, or refuel.

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Given they are all basic cards, maybe all the boosted spells are basic cards?!?

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This looks really nice. They seem to be going fairly discover-heavy for mages this time.

That alone justifies that stats. They’re pushing for Mage’s big effects to come from spells, not just minion face damage and to me that’s both fine and hella flavorful.

That’s my guess. I wanna see Malygos’s Flamestrke!!

I like it. Not a fan of the low stats at all but I guess the effect makes up for it. It’s also Funny that it’s like half a normal mally both in stats, price and ,in a way, effect. On the other hand a version of mally that your opponent can just ignore feels weird.

Its close. I’d almost prefer a 4M 2/6 just so it was half normal Maly stats and cost rounded down instead of up.

I guess it comes down to the other cards. Had it only been those 3, this was crazy good kinda. Widening the pool shifts that into stuff we dont know yet.

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That seems like it would provide a decent sized but not too large pool since 9 of the Mage Basic set are spells.

What would be a decent upgraded version of Arcane Missiles, Mirror Image, or Frost Nova that would be worth choosing? And how would upgraded Flamestrike be differentiated from upgraded Arcane Explosion?

The announcement trailer shows Malygos being played and includes his versions of Frost Nova and Flamestrike. Frost Nova is 1 mana. Flamestrike does 8 damage.

Around the 6:08 mark:


This is gonna be so much fun.

I like Dragons more than Elementals.

Might actually be a little op if it was just these 3, it would certainly make the card very powerful, a choice between big damage , mega reload, or super-premium transform would be amazing most of the time.

Still looks pretty good if the other discover options are anywhere near the power level of the 3 examples.

Very nice. I’m a big fan of these types of psuedo-sideboard cards they’ve been adding.

Could have done with more even stats or maybe taunt, though. It is a legendary.

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big sticky minion with a ridiculous battlecry, dragon tag, decent mana cost. oh my goodness. if it’s not OP, it’s not far off :stuck_out_tongue:.

looking forward to playing some control mage.

(tbh, every card I’ve seen so far looks obnoxious. expected for an end of year expansion, though.)

This is not a bad card at all. For one, the stats are (even though weirdly distributed) near Vanilla, and mages are the undisputed holder of the strongest basic card setup in the current class system. Only thing is that it’s limited to Dragon Synergy which will probably be easy to do.

pretty good card…

I wonder what cards are in the Malygos pool. Based on the three they revealed, it might just be Basic and Classic a la Zephrys. Basic and Classic Mage spells are pretty strong so making them better is kind of nutty. A strong card from the looks of it.

Are the 3 cards shown in the example the only ones you can get or is it random for all mage spells? If its randomly any mage spell and then an upgraded version of it I am not sure. How would secrets upgrade?