2 mana Mage spell
Add a Biscuit to your hand that refreshes 2 Mana Crystals
Note that this refreshes, it doesn’t generate, therefore no ramping with it, but this is MASSIVE for enabling big spell-slinging turns.
2 mana Mage spell
Add a Biscuit to your hand that refreshes 2 Mana Crystals
Note that this refreshes, it doesn’t generate, therefore no ramping with it, but this is MASSIVE for enabling big spell-slinging turns.
Can’t tell if this is real or a joke
I linked the tweet for ya.
I’m assuming the biscuit will be a 0 cost card.
I’m quite certain it will be.
I’m not sure what I think of it. Since you’re the resident mage expert, what do you think?
I think I’m very happy about it.
I actually made a custom “mana gem” card like a year or so ago that did exactly this. Enables bigger combo turns without needing Sorc, or even BIGGER ones if you have her and Cyclone.
Combined with Imprisoned Phoenix, you can do some really heavy stuff.
Well essentially it’s 0 mana, play 2 spells. Some decks can make use of it, some can’t. Mana Cyclone and Flamewanker get some powerful ammo out of this alone, so it’s not as bad as one would make it out to be otherwise, but the synergy on playing spells makes it to be played in very specific decks.
If it’s a 0 mana spell, it’s about as ridicule as it gets. It’s baaaaaaaaaasically Elemental Evocation, but without the elemental restriction.
Also reduces mana giants
Oh nono, this in wild is going to be insane!
novice apprentice, flamewaker, this, biscuit… ciclone… 0 mana giant… oh no no
Well…mage will now be the undeniable kings of wild after this is released. As if casting 15+ spells in a turn wasn’t easy enough, they are basically upping the ante. This will actually be used as positive mana generation because apprentice will reduce the cost to 1 or 0 essentially giving mage more ways to cast more spells in a turn. I don’t think I have to tell you how dangerous that is.
Anytime you can get your mana count to go UP is extremely dangerous and open to abuse.
Ah yes, conjuring food for the raid… mage’s REAL identity from the early WoW days.
Conjured Mana Biscuit and Imprisoned Phoenix both look really good.
I think Mage wins the most from Darkmoon Races.
So this card does nothing,other then casting 2 spells that do nothing for spending a card and zero mana.
Except it isn’t.
Compared even to what exists in standard the card is a joke.
But will see play because mage is the joke class after all.
SA into biscuit at 4 mana is SA, 2 spells, Cyclone and you gain back 1 mana for the cost of 3 cards: Biscuit, SA and Cyclone.
It also diminish your Mana Giant cost by effectively 2: 1 mana you gain and a spell outside your deck you cast.
Seems pretty good dude
Seems like a balanced lightning bloom to me. Will be used in OTKs if one comes about for sure.
I not saying it’s bad.
I just saying that everything mage gets nowadays feels like a toned down version of something else or random BS.
The argument is pretty clear.
And if this is “balanced” then lightning bloom is broken and should be nerf now(if nerf isn’t possible then deleted).
Because even if it said GAIN it would still be a worse version of lightning bloom because you have to pay for that Mana before and not after in the form of overload.
This probably would have been good 4-5 years ago. Now the mana cheat and agro has power creep so much that mana banking is worthless and just gets you killed because you never have the health buffer to anti tempo to set up for the big turn later.
this card has potential to be crazy and definitively one of the better cards on the set too