New levels of incompetence

Arena: bot-infested. Duels: dead. Classic: removed. Twist: unplayable. Wild: unplayable.

CoT/Twist packages in the store: such poor value that they feel like a scam.

Standard: true, it’s decent atm. with a dozen or so competitive decks, but nothing that feels fresh and exciting.

We’re seeing new levels of incompetence at Blizzard. Hearthstone is on the edge of complete collapse. I’m close to leaving the game for good, having played nearly daily since Beta.

Battlegrounds is imho the best mode atm: seems the BG dev team is at least trying, and is coming up with new ideas, although only a few tribes are really competitive and some hero choice/anomaly/tribe combos make for a guaranteed loss. As a result, free players will be at a severe disadvantage (more so than before).

I wonder where this sinking ship is heading next…


Like so many greedy mega corps, the question isn’t “how do we improve our products?” It’s “how much more money can we get out of this before we have to drop it entirely?”

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Battlegrounds is dead worse…You get nothing while everyone else get’s everything.

Blizzard is acing the “new levels of incompetence” with each iteration of their expansions or franchise. They just s@ck, that’s all, it’s a tragedy people still think that they will do better after all the “we are sorry” and “we will listen to fans” posts.

People should get it by now that all Blizzard does is rip people of money and try to sustain what they can until Microsoft hits them with more revenue

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