New legendary harth stonebrew

sounds like fun card

and the hint on what iconic means


well this is interesting

Does it… just give you an OTK hand from the past?

All 3 of those cards were part of OTKs

He’s gonna take you back to the past.
To give you some ****** cards that suck ***.


probably whats more iconic hand than a OTK from the past

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That’s just dumb though… your games just come down to who got to 10 Mana and played harth first…

Cube lock wasn’t an OTK

Fair, it was close when the bloodreaver guldan revived all of your extra charge minions though.

shudewrock needs to be set up so you would have to play harh rumble elemental and the others first

Yeah… I still think it’s a really bad idea.

It’s neutral, so it can be done by any deck, and it risks making the games very, VERY repetitive.

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I doubt harth gives you death knight hero, but if it does, i am so ready for a raza/shadowreaper anduin hand :smiley:

It won’t give you any OTK :relieved:

“Wild sucks but I want a nice and ready wild OTK in my hand” :laughing::laughing::laughing: dream on

I eat my own words, you can get death knight hero. Very fun card.
I feel the anti fun police will be working overtime on this one.

Just saying here.

He is really crazy strong.

One thing is play a entire deck from the past to get those hands.

Other is get those hands out of nowhere. People gonna learn that the hard way.

Why this old playing card that is filled with crap? What to do with it?

I kind of have the exact opposite opinion on that being fun.

Like, imagine that there was an OTK deck with a 6 drop that said “draw 8 cards of your choice.”

That wouldn’t be a good card for the game.

That’s basically what this card does. You don’t have control over what you get, but they are all going to be similarly game ending hands.

I play hearthstone since 2014, this card is filled with nostalgia to the brim

I’ve only seen a few hands so far, but priest gets galakrond, not shadowreaper anduin

There’s more than one per class it seems. Ive gotten blood and unholy DK hands so far.

1 for each class except DK who gets one for each rune