New Kil'jeaden card

I really wonder why cards like this get designed.
Its not interactive or rewarding for playing well.
You just play it in your average control deck, because its another way to ‘brake’ the game.
Fatigue is a fundamental HS mechanic.
So if player ‘thankyou’ cycles through his deck like a maniac, both opponents anticipate he will be inherently punished for it, because the game is designed this way.

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there have plenty of ways to circumvent the aspect of fatigue, any class could play Tony king of piracy, druids have aviana and rogues have agency espionage.

not to mention we have floppy hydra and the 1 drop amalgam

Many times in the past we have had cards to prevent fatigue.

  • Kazakusan
  • Archivist Elysiana
  • Academic Espionage, lab recruiter and gang up for rogue

I usually only face one opponent


To counter Mill/Fatigue decks, or to get an advantage in control mirror-matchups. Or for fun. Surprising as it may be for you to hear this, YOU are not the arbiter on what “fun” means at an objective level across all humanity.

What IS interactive and playing well, in your opinion?

You’re throwing away whatever cards were left in your deck on the turn you play it. That’s a significant hindrance unless your entire win con was Fatigue or Mill, or you’re already AT the fatigue step from control mirror.

Yes, and so is life, damage, mana, draws, minions, spells, etc. We have “cheats” on all of that, as well. Is your next topic going to be about how overpowered overhealing is?

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